How to overcome the psychological abuse of your ex-partner: it is possible to be reborn from the ashes

by time news

2023-05-18 23:19:33

suffer any kind of violence in the relationship may cause deep emotional woundsespecially since the person we trust the most shows us that he is capable of destroy our self esteem If you had the courage to get out of a toxic relationship discover how to overcome psychological abuse from your ex partnerYes, it is possible to be reborn from the ashes.

He psychological abuse leaves invisible wounds, some remain open in the depths of the mind, causing problems in our emotional well-being, low self-esteem, stress disorders, anxiety, depression, emotional dependence or even difficulty relating to other people.

What is psychological abuse?

According to an article published by the National Institutes of Healthhe psychological abuse in a relationship, is the way to control the couple through the use of emotions, specialists describe that a psychological abuseruses the words to consciously criticize, shame, blame, or manipulate your partner, regardless of the psychological damage that it may cause.

How to overcome the psychological abuse of your ex-partner: it is possible to be reborn from the ashes/ Photo: iStock

Although the psychological abuse of the partner It can be hard to identify when the relationship has settled, but it is possible to move on and ‘rise from the ashes’ like the phoenix, even if the abuse left an imprint deep in your heart.

Johnny Deep receives an ovation at the Cannes Film Festival

An example of resilience is Johnny Deep, who returned in style in the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festivalafter going through one of the worst moments of his life with the actriz Amber Heard, his former sentimental partner, with whom he faced one of the Hollywood’s Most Controversial Trials, after having defamed him for domestic violence.

Although Johnny Deep won the defamation trial Against his ex-wife, Amber Heard, the star of ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ was not only left without his leading role, he was also left out of the third installment of Fantastic Beasts after a request from Warner Bros, who considered the interpreter’s presence negative for his image. in the film. Also, he was written out of the series Wednesday of Tim Burton.

How to overcome the psychological abuse of your ex-partner: it is possible to be reborn from the ashes/ Photo: Getty Images

Away from the shares he lost, Johnny Deep wanted to clean up his image, recover from emotional damage that he suffered during his relationship with the also actress Amber Heard and this was demonstrated at the Cannes Film Festival, where he presented his most recent film called ‘Jeanne du Barry’.

After demonstrating that he was able to recover from one of the darkest episodes of his life, the actor was greeted with a wave of applause in one of the most important events in the cinematographic world, a gesture that moved the actor to tears.

How does a victim of psychological abuse feel?

He psychological abuse It may be subtle at first, but over time it leaves scars that are just as damaging as physical abuse. A victim of psychological abuse You may experience a wide range of emotions and feelings ranging from fear, sadness, confusion, guilt, shame, isolation or hopelessness, but the aftermath is the most painful to heal:

  • Low self-esteem: constantly hearing insults from our partner can affect the way we perceive ourselves, lowering self-esteem.
  • Anxiety: victims of psychological abuse learn to be constantly alert for everything as a defense mechanism, which is why anxiety is usually a characteristic that remains even after leaving a toxic relationship.
  • Addictions: one of the most common escape routes when a solution cannot be found to get out of a situation that causes pain.
  • Concentration or memory problems: Emotional wounds can be so deep that the mind needs to shut down to avoid reliving the trauma, causing temporary memory problems.
  • Guilt: Victims often feel responsible for problems in the relationship if the abuser constantly blames them for it.
  • Social fear: a victim of psychological abuse may develop a fear of relating to other people by losing confidence.

How to overcome the psychological abuse of your ex-partner: it is possible to be reborn from the ashes/ Photo: iStock

How to overcome the psychological abuse of your partner?

overcome the psychological abuse of the partner It takes time, it is a painful process, but it is possible to be reborn after experiencing a situation of psychological violence with the help of a mental health specialist There are some tips that could be of great help to overcome psychological abuse:

  • Allow yourself to acknowledge the abuse: Accepting that you have been abused is not easy, but it is one of the main steps in facing reality and working on the aftermath that it may have caused.
  • Make yourself a priority: dedicate time to yourself, take care of your emotional well-being, exercise, try to connect with yourself to rediscover yourself.

  • Set limits: learn to be assertive, don’t be afraid to say what you are no longer willing to accept, it is part of setting your limits in relationships.
  • Stop blaming yourself: you are not the problem, never blame yourself for other people’s attitudes or behaviors over which you have no control.
  • Build a support network: having close people with whom you can trust will allow you to share the way you feel, see things from another perspective to deal with negative emotions.
  • Change the pattern of negative thoughts: Negative thoughts can take root deep in the mind, learn to trust others again, not everyone will try to hurt you.

For overcome psychological abuse You will need help from a mental health professional, work within yourself to get rid of the consequences that psychological violence leaves behind, start taking better care of yourself. Yes you can!

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