What happens if I have surgery to avoid having children at a young age?

by time news

2023-05-19 01:32:20

Change is a constant of current times. What for our parents was “transcendental” does not turn out to be the same for us; for example, the theme children. It is more common to hear: What happens if I have surgery to avoid having children at a young age or without having conceived before?

Sterilization surgeries are not a novelty, for years they have been known and performed as a measure to control the birth ratedescribe National Library of Medicine. What has changed, or what is different today is that there are couples who opt for it without having had children before and at an early age.

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The story of the couple who celebrates an operation to avoid having children

Social networks have become the showcase for many to express their ideas, and of course the actions that accompany them. Proof of this are Nathalie and Andrés, a young couple originally from Colombia who have just announced that they “They will never be parents.”

In the publication he reveals the following: “We want to share with you the joy that: WE WILL NEVER BE DADS”.

Of course, the criticism did not wait, but the argument that the couple manages is well worth reading and reflecting on.

“Seeing the hate in the world was a strong factor in making this decision. You have to be very blind or stupid not to realize that we are running out of everything… And you have to be indolent or truly egotistical to do nothing about it”.

Instagram photo of natymon8

What is the best age to have surgery so as not to have children?

First of all, it is a personal decision. That is, nobody has or can force you. Leaving this point clear, experts point out that the most propitious age to perform this intervention is around 35 years of age. The sexual organs they are fully developed and most importantly, the person has complete awareness of the decision they are making.

What happens to my body if I have surgery to not have children?

Nothing happens, I don’t even know he loses sexual desire or hormonal capacity. Although as in any intervention there are some risks.

In the case of women, the operation performed is the fallopian tube ligation. It is a safe process, but the usual complications of operations can occur: adverse reactions to medications, clotting problems… among others.

The Planned Parenthood Federation of American indicates that after the operation, the woman may experience pain or discomfort.

On the other hand, sterilization procedures are not a method to avoid infections. sexually transmitted diseases. Operated or not, an STD can be contracted for which condom use with a partner who is not our stable partner is essential.

The operation to not having children at a young age It has no physical consequences, if the intervention is correct. Everything is in the decision of what you want, nothing more.

If you want to know more about what it is to have children, we invite you to watch the following video:

#surgery #avoid #children #young #age

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