After a new coming and going in court, beach clubs in Jurerê, in Florianópolis, can work

by time news

2023-05-19 07:09:47

After more than a month closed, by order of Justice, the five beach clubs of Jurerê Internacional, in Florianópolis, are authorized to reopen their doors.

Establishments are ready to operate – Photo: Leo Munhoz/ND

In 2023, however, the operation of Acqua, Ammo, Café de la Musique, Donna and 300 Cosmo is compromised, with several reversals and court decisions ordering the closure and opening of the venues.

Yesterday, the 6th Federal Court of Florianópolis authorized the operation, in response to a request for reconsideration by entrepreneurs.

In the decision, Judge Marcelo Krás Borges reversed part of the sentence that had suspended the permits in an action to comply with the sentence, which determined adjustments in the physical structures of the establishments.

In a statement in the process, Federal Attorney Walmor Alves Moreira stated earlier this week that he is not opposed to the reopening of beach clubs, “in view of the undoubted economic and social damage to workers and taxes to the municipal treasury”.

The legal uncertainty in the case of the beach clubs in Jurerê and the financial losses of the closed periods mobilized at least two protests from the establishments’ employees, who fear economic losses and layoffs.

On April 2, when they were closed, and they held a demonstration in front of the Federal Justice building, in Florianópolis, the manager of an establishment pointed out that the decision affects more than 400 direct jobs.

In court, the coming and going began on March 29, when Judge Marcelo Krás Borges ordered the immediate suspension of permits, with a commercial ban, for beach clubs.

On April 6, federal judge Cláudia Cristina Cristofani, from TRF4 (Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region), revoked the suspension of permits and the interdiction of establishments.

The businessmen even celebrated the decision, but five days later, judge Vânia Hack Almeida, also from TRF4, again ordered the suspension of permits.

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