Breast Milk from Vegan Moms: Study Finds Little Risk of Nutrient Deficiency in Babies

by time news

2023-05-17 09:02:53

“Babies who receive breast milk from vegan mothers are therefore unlikely to have an increased risk of deficiency of these nutrients, as you might expect if you know that their mothers do not consume animal products,” said lead researcher Hannah Juncker.

The number of people in Europe who do not eat animal products has doubled in the past four years, according to experts. “The increase in vegan diets worldwide, including among breastfeeding mothers, has raised concerns about the nutritional value of their breast milk,” said Juncker. This despite the fact that it was already decided in 2019 not to ban breast milk from vegans from the Dutch Mother Milk Bank anymore, because the quality was considered good enough at the time.

Carnitine concentration

The new research results are therefore not too bad. The concentrations of vitamin B2 and carnitine in breast milk and in the blood of 25 women with a vegan diet were examined and compared with the breast milk and blood of 25 women who eat everything. There were no differences in blood serum and breast milk for B2.

However, it turned out that the concentration of carnitine in the blood of vegan women was much lower than in the control group. Nevertheless, the concentration of this in breast milk was comparable. “A possible explanation is that the mammary gland manages to maintain the carnitine concentration. But we don’t know exactly how this is possible.”

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 deficiency can lead to anemia, neurological problems and eye problems in the baby. In severe cases, a carnitine deficiency can lead to low blood sugar or problems with the infant’s heart or brain.

#Vegan #breast #milk #simply #vitamin #carnitine

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