Human milk bank, Italy is the first country in Europe –

by time news

2023-05-19 06:46:45

Of Clare Bidoli

There are 41 active ones in our country, they make it possible to collect donated breast milk and supply it to the most vulnerable newborns. But we need more (the current collection does not cover the needs of premature babies) and we need to make the distribution more homogeneous

When breast milk is not available, the best possible nourishment for healthy full-term infants and, even more so, for premature babies and infants hospitalized in intensive care is breast milk. There are more than 750 banks in the world, in 66 countries, which collect donated human milk and supply over 1 million liters of milk to more than 800,000 newborns every year. Italy is the European country that is investing the most in this resource: «On the occasion of World Day, we are inaugurating in Syracuse, at the Umberto I Hospital, the 41st donated human milk bank, fourth for Sicily, another important goal for the diffusion of this true lifesaver for premature babies», explains Guido Moro, president of the Italian Association of Donated Human Milk Banks (AIBLUD). Although Italy is an excellence in this area, the appeal of the doctors and technicians involved in the “Working group on donated breast milk” set up by the Ministry of Health and made up of members of AIBLUD, of the Breastfeeding Technical Table ( TAS) and the Italian Society of Neonatology (SIN) is to increase the BLUDs and distribute them homogeneously throughout the territory, so as to cover the needs of all vulnerable children.
«Italian mothers have shown their generosity and this is confirmed by the 10,000 liters of human milk donated a year, which however are not enough. Even if Italy is currently the leader in Europe like BLUD, we must continue to invest in networking mothers, BLUD and Neonatology Centers and create a more widespread and efficient service», explains Luigi Orfeo, president of SIN.

The benefits of breast milk for the baby

The scientific world agrees in considering it the best investment for life. The benefits of breast milk are innumerable, it’s a unique food e inimitable e which varies over time to provide the infant and child with everything they need in the different stages of growth. The WHO recommends exclusive consumption (without other food or drink additions) in the first six months of life and, afterwards, prolonged use over time as long as mothers and children like it. In the first feedings the colostrum guarantees important protective factors capable of defending the baby from infections, after about three days the colostrum milk changes composition (transition milk), to then move on to the formula with its characteristic whitish color (definitive milk), which will change its composition over time to adapt to the different needs related to growth but also to the seasons, always offering the best possible formulation to the child.
Among the proven benefits of mother’s milk for the baby: reduction in the incidence and duration of gastroenteritis, protection from respiratory infections, reduction in the risk of developing allergies, benefits for eyesight and also for psychomotor and intestinal development, risk reduction of occlusions, protection against ear infections, reduction of the risk of diabetes and tumors of the lymphatic system.

The benefits of breast milk for mom

Even a mother who breastfeeds her baby can count on various benefits, starting with the practical ones: her milk is free, there are no preparation costs and it is always ready at the right temperature. From a medical point of view, breastfeed naturally stimulates contraction of the uterus reducing natural postpartum bleeding and allowing the uterus to return to normal size faster, helps to lose weight accumulated during pregnancy, reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis and is predictive of some forms of cancer breast and ovary.

May 19, 2023 (change May 19, 2023 | 08:58)

#Human #milk #bank #Italy #country #Europe

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