5 Sex Myths About Fertility Examined: Does Second Time Sex Really Increase Fertility?

by time news

2023-05-19 17:30:00

5 sex myths in the test

Getting pregnant: does second time sex really increase fertility?

BUNTE.de editors

You want a baby, but it hasn’t worked out yet? Then you’ve come to the right place: We examined 5 sex myths about fertility!

A British study found that if you have sex with your partner twice in a row, fertility increases threefold. But this must be within an hour and you are not allowed to have sex every day.

With the right sex you can get pregnant

dr Zaher Merhi is an ob-gyn and obstetrician at the New Hope Fertility Center in New York. He specializes in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. dr Merhi says about the study to the online magazine “dailymail.co.uk”: “It seems clear that the second ejaculate is the one that contains healthier, more motile sperm.” So if you have sex with your partner like in the scientific study, then your chances of getting pregnant increase.

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Pregnancy Myths You Can Ignore!

One in eight couples struggle to have children. They are always willing to firmly believe in pregnancy myths, such as sex on a full moon, drinking cough syrup, having sex every day or legs in the air. You can safely shelve the following fairy tales:

1. Position during sex

Again and again the rumor circulates that the missionary and doggy position is advantageous for fertilization. However, there is no evidence that certain sexual positions contribute to pregnancy.

2. Getting pregnant by sunbathing

Experts from the University Hospital Ghent in Belgium see a link between sun exposure and fertilization. Sunny weather a month before conception is said to have a positive effect on a woman’s fertility, but there is no real evidence of this yet.

3. Don’t move after sex

It is often claimed that you get pregnant faster if you lie down immediately after sex, don’t go to the toilet and don’t wash yourself. But these statements do not stand up to medical examinations.

4. Female orgasm promotes fertilization

A climax triggers contractions of the uterus. This is supposed to get the sperm to the egg cell faster, but this does not guarantee pregnancy.

5. Healthy diet helps to get pregnant faster

A healthy lifestyle is naturally good for your body. But there is no scientific evidence that healthy eating and fertility are directly related. But getting pregnant better probably has something to do with a woman’s body weight. Both underweight and overweight can have a negative impact on fertility.

What is more important to get pregnant, our lifestyle or our age? We’ll tell you!

You should rely on these methods to fulfill your desire to have children

1. Passionate sex out of lust

If you only engage in sex to get pregnant, your romance and passion will be disrupted. dr Sheryl Kingsberg, a psychologist and specialist in sex and reproductive therapy at University Hospitals Ohio, tells dailymail.co.uk, that for many couples who want to have children, the focus is no longer on sex and pleasure. The pressure to have a baby can become so intense that it causes significant stress for both women and men.

2. Two sexes with ejaculation within an hour

The above study of 73 couples concludes that if you have sex twice within an hour and the man ejaculates both times, your chances of getting pregnant increase from 6% to 21%.

The important thing is the right time and that the sperm move around a lot and are of course healthy. dr Merhi agrees, but says that having a second ejaculation in an hour is a problem for many men.

3. Foreplay, cuddling and “making love” – ​​the whole package promotes fertility

Reproductive capacity and fertility can be challenging, says Dr. Merhi. “Men feel they have to perform, which causes stress and can lead to erectile dysfunction.”

Being a mom isn’t always a cakewalk – all mothers in the world will admit that. Our three celebrity mothers in the new Facebook Watch format “No Drama, Mama” also admit: they are not perfect.

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