Human milk donation, a small gesture can feed a big dream – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

2023-05-19 22:50:53

Quito, May 19, 2023

Imagine a premature baby, struggling to survive in an intensive care unit. Thanks to the donated breast milk, he receives the necessary nutrients for his growth and development. Every drop of milk is a step toward her recovery and an opportunity to embrace healthy living.

World Human Milk Donation Day is commemorated every May 19. In Ecuador, the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) has 9 Human Milk Banks (BLH) located in maternity wards and hospitals in Quito, Guayaquil, Ambato, Riobamba, Babahoyo, Portoviejo and Cuenca.

Human Milk Banks (BLH) are specialized services that provide support and promotion of breastfeeding. In addition, these banks collect the milk from donor mothers, which is processed and distributed to high-risk newborns who cannot be breastfed directly from their mother’s breast.

All mothers who wish to donate human milk can do so, either for their own son/daughter or voluntarily giving their excess milk to other newborns; There are some established requirements that guarantee the safety and quality of donated milk, including:

• Be able to adequately feed their babies.

• Not have diseases that affect the donation.

• Not having received blood transfusions in the last 5 years.

• Do not use medications, and if you do, they must be compatible with lactation.

• Do not consume alcohol, cigarettes or other drugs.

• Normal results on physical and laboratory examinations.

The donation of human milk benefits premature infants and/or those with conditions that prevent direct breastfeeding, as well as mothers who cannot breastfeed due to health problems. It contributes to reducing child morbidity, mortality and malnutrition, in addition to eliminating the administration of artificial milk.

How many donors and how many babies benefit from donating human milk?

In 2022, 24.062 Breastfeeding women donated 7,879 liters of human milk, benefiting 9,890 boys and girls. In the first months of 2023, there are already 4,811 donor mothers willing to make a difference.

Below is the location of the BLHs that belong to the MSP, which are available for more information and support with this noble cause that changes lives.

3riobambaGeneral Teaching Hospital Riobamba
3HintGeneral Teaching Hospital Ambato
4portoviejoVerdi Cevallos General Hospital
5babahoyoMartin Icaza General Hospital
6CuencaVicente Corral Moscoso General Hospital
8GuayaquilGeneral University Hospital of Guayaquil
9QuitoGeneral Teaching Hospital of Calderón
9QuitoIsidro Ayora Obstetric Gynecology Specialized Hospital
9QuitoLuz Elena Arismendi Obstetric Gynecology Specialized Hospital
MSP Human Milk Banks

On this World Human Milk Donation Day, the valuable work of all donor mothers is highlighted. Your generosity makes a difference in the lives of thousands of newborns and mothers across the country.

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