Disinformation Affects Migrants: Lawyer | Sonoran News

by time news

2023-05-20 06:13:58

The disinformationfrom both Mexican and US authorities, have generated that foreigners avoid approaching the institutions and thus regularize their immigration status, asserted the lawyer Ricardo Castaño Dávalos.

Ricardo Castaño Davalos, lawyer specialist

on immigration issues in Mexico,

said that asylum seekers in the US

must meet the requirements.

The specialist in migration issues in Mexico explained that there is a misconception of many migrants that their situation will be regularized just by requesting an appointment with the Border Patrol and it is accepted, but the situation is not that easy.

After the sanitary restriction in the United States known as Title 42 expired on May 11, the main objective of which was to expel illegal migrants from that country in an accelerated manner as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, most migrants saw a small “light at the end of the road”.

When talking with some migrants who have applied for political asylum in the United States and who are waiting for their appointment in Hermosillo, it was observed that most, if not allThey have the idea that by receiving their appointment through the CBP One application, they will be able to legally enter that country, but this is not the case.


Immigration lawyer Castaño Dávalos indicated that at the end of Title 42, The United States launched Title 8a norm that has existed for several decades in the United States and is nothing more than the process to regularize all illegal immigrants in that country.

“This eighth title requests as a requirement that the foreigner first request asylum within Mexico; that is, ask the Mexican government for asylum to later request asylum in the United States. It is an orderly way of being able to carry out this process.

“There is a lot of misinformation in this regard, both the Mexican authorities and the United States authorities,” he added, “because they have not disclosed the information in the best way so that foreigners can approach and regularize their immigration status.”

That is why many migrants do not carry out their paperwork in Mexico and they have distanced themselves from immigration institutions such as the National Institute of Migration (INM) or the Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance.

The protocols and processes to regularize are very clear and the only thing that the foreigner has to do is comply with the requirements, that is where the problem lies.

“So, between the misinformation and not meeting the requirements, that is where it becomes chaos,” he emphasized.


According to the comments of many migrants, The CBP One application represents hope when requesting political asylum from the United States Governmentas they assure that it is the fastest way to legally enter the country without a visa.

The expert on immigration issues, Ricardo Castaño Dávalos, explained that this application is a new service offered by the Border Patrol to expedite the processing of applications, including the I-94 permit, which allows visitors and tourists to travel for a period of time not greater than 180 days within the American Union.

“Also like this, it is an orderly way of processing asylum applications by foreigners. Foreigners must download that application and fill out the forms according to the corresponding countries.

Not all countries are included; However, the most vulnerable do find themselves, with the condition that they must register, their passport numbers, photographs, addresses, a series of requirements that many foreigners do not meet ”, he highlighted.

Regarding appointments, the United States Government establishes them as an orderly way to carry out the request, but does not mean that the foreigner can legally enter the countrysince a review of the documents presented must be carried out and verify that they comply with what was requested and continue with the process.


The lawyer explained that each particular case is different from the other, but it can affect the fact that the applicant has previously been deportedespecially if you committed a crime or tried to deceive the authority by presenting false documentation.

“What the United States Government has been doing lately is punishing those who fail to comply with the requirements or who try to deceive the authorities.

If a person crossed illegally or presented false documentation, then fingerprints are taken, they are deported, in some cases it is indefinite and the punishment is not having the possibility of reapplying for admission,” he said.

The easiest and safest way to enter the United States or any foreign country, he stressed, is to go to the Consulate or Embassy of the country you are required to enter and meet the requested requirements.

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#Disinformation #Affects #Migrants #Lawyer #Sonoran #News

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