ALERT for this new modality with credit cards

by time news

2023-05-20 08:06:28

Written in MONEY he

Los frauds to steal the money of yours bank accounts they are the order of the day. The delinquents They will seek to deceive you in every way, whether it be sending emails, calls, messages to alert you of unrecognized charges and the need to change your credit cardand they even tell you that a bank executive will show up at your home to deliver a new plastic.

However, Oscar Rosado, president of the driving He warned: “If they come to your house with the story that they come from a bank, send them flying. Simply and simply that does not exist. They don’t even have to be well dressed or talk to you nicely.”

The call of the driving to the banks is to continue taking measures to alert their clients of this type of fraud, which also occurs in the popular sector by offering gifts such as household appliances which are also offered to be delivered to their homes in exchange for the Bank data of the victims.

Both the Association of Banks of Mexico (ABM) how some institutions promote campaigns in the media to alert people of fraud, such as calls, messages on the phone and calls supposedly from the bank, where they seek to steal their money.

“If you receive a supposed call from your bank asking for confidential information, hang up immediately and block the number. Security is everyone’s job,” says a post from ABM.

It also alerts you so that you do not trust the call even if it appears within the identifier as a bank number and asks that by this means you do not share confidential data, access, passwords, token, PIN, or CVV.

What to do if I was a victim of bank fraud?

  • If the fraud of which you were a victim was through a call, where the thieves said they were from the bank and asked for your personal information, immediately call your financial institution and ask them to block your card and replace your plastic.
  • Remember that the cards can also be turned off in the mobile application.
  • If the fraud in which you fell was an express loan, it is necessary that you go to the delegation to make a complaint against the firm and that you file a complaint with the Condusef.

Can you get your money back?

  • If you were the one who gave your personal information, the bank will not be responsible for the money that has been stolen from you. The bank has issued messages asking users not to provide confidential information because if they do, it is impossible to get your money back.
  • In the event that the fraud has been via credit or debit card, it is still possible that you can reconcile before the Condusef.

How to avoid bank fraud

  • If you are going to download an app, review and read carefully what data you are going to share, since some fraudulent companies ask you for access to your contacts or photos, which usually contain sensitive information.
  • Do not give money in return. Some companies ask you for money with the excuse that it is used for management procedures and that is a lie that will surely end in expensive and unfortunate fraud.

#ALERT #modality #credit #cards

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