Record of cases in Spain due to the advance of the Omicron variant

by time news

Daily coronavirus infections in Spain reached the highest figure on Tuesday so far in the pandemic with 49,823 new cases, while the occupation in intensive care units rose to 15.7 percent. Reflecting the delicate situation that Spain is going through, between December 6 and 12 47 percent of new infections were due to the Omicron variant, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Health. 16 of the 17 Spanish regions remain above 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, that is to say in the highest risk indicator. Although the average incidence is 695, there are regions that far exceed the figure, as is the case of Navarra (1,488) and the Basque Country (1,183), in the north of Spain. Faced with this scenario, the technicians of the Health portfolio recommended limiting the number of people at public events.

This Wednesday the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, will meet with regional presidents to discuss new measures to stop the expansion of this sixth wave of coronavirus in Spain, a few days before Christmas, the date on which family and social gatherings proliferate. Until now, the Executive had focused the strategy to fight the coronavirus on its successful vaccination campaign: 89.7 percent of the population over 12 years of age have already received the full guideline.


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