Prayer to be given a good mate and progeny

by time news

2023-05-21 01:35:21


Al-Quran contains verses that can be used as prayer sentences to plead with Allah SWT. Photo/Illustration: Ist

Al-Quran contains verses that can be used as prayer sentences to plead with Allah SWT. Surah Al-Anbiya’ verse 89, for example, can be used as a prayer to ask for a good mate and offspring.

Lord, do not leave me alone, for you are the best of the inheritors.

It means, “Oh my God, don’t let me live my life alone, and You are the best heir.”

In the book “Collection of Daily Prayers” published by the Ministry of Religion (2013) it is explained that in this verse it is told that the Prophet Zakaria prays to Allah SWT so that he does not live alone. Then Allah SWT granted his prayer and bestowed a son known as the Prophet Yahya.

Allah SWT said:

And Zakariya, when he called out to his Lord, “My Lord, do not leave me alone, for you are the best of the inheritors.”

(Remember) Zakaria when he prayed to his God, “Oh my God, don’t let me live alone (without offspring), while You are the best heir. (QS Al-Anbiya’: 89)

So We answered him and bestowed upon him Yahya and made his wife right for him, for they used to hasten to do good and supplicate. We were eager and fearful, and they were humble before Us.

So, We granted his (prayer), bestowed Yahya on him, and made his wife (able to conceive). Verily, they always hasten in (doing) good and pray to Us with great hope and anxiety. They are people who are devoted to Us. (QS Al-Anbiya’: 90)

In Surah Al-Anbiya verse 89, God directs the attention of Prophet Muhammad SAW and his people to the story of Prophet Zakaria. Because he had no children, he felt lonely and had no descendants to replace and continue his struggle if he died. That is why he prayed to God that He would not let him live without offspring.

At the end of this verse is mentioned the speech of Prophet Zakaria after he said his prayer. Then he said, “And you are the best heir?”

The point is that if Allah wills not to bestow offspring upon him, then he is also willing and not discouraged, because he is sure that Allah will maintain his religion, and will not waste his religion and Allah will certainly choose the most appropriate person as a substitute for Zakaria. after his death.

Furthermore, Surah Al-Anbiya verse 90 explains that Allah has accepted the prayer of the Prophet Zakaria, and bestowed upon him a son named Yahya. For this reason, Allah has bestowed good health on Zakaria’s wife, making it possible for her to conceive, even though before that she was a barren woman.

Read too: The Story of the Answered Prayer of Prophet Zakariya in the Month of Dzulhijjah

In the continuation of this verse, Allah explains His reasons for granting the request of the Prophet Zakaria. That’s because they (Prophet Zakaria and his wife) always hasten to do good, especially in caring for their offspring as well as possible. Besides that, because you always pray to Allah with a heart that is anxious, hoping for God’s forgiveness and worrying about God’s wrath and punishment.

Another reason is because they are always humble and humble to Him, and never arrogant or arrogant and deny His grace. So, it is these noble qualities that cause them to obtain a gift from Allah SWT.


#Prayer #good #mate #progeny

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