They opened a space dedicated to providing various tools for the private sector | Cuyo’s diary

by time news

2023-05-19 22:27:56

Governor Sergio Uñac inaugurated the brand new offices of Expansión Productiva San Juan, designed to provide information on the financial tools promoted by the local government.

On the occasion, in addition to Governor Uñac, the Lieutenant Governor, Roberto Gattoni; the Minister of Production and Economic Development, Ariel Lucero; the provincial deputy for the City of San Juan, Celina Ramella; the secretaries of Agriculture, Livestock and Agroindustry, Martín Gómez; Economic Policy, Daniel Gimeno; Industry, Commerce and Services, Andrea Vargas; Javier Fornasari, head of ACARA (Association of Automotive Dealers of the Argentine Republic) in San Juan; representatives of banks in the Province of San Juan, chambers and federations; officials of the Ministry of Production and Economic Development and other authorities.

The building, located in the heart of the city, will accompany the productive development of the province through advice on the characteristics of the various financial tools, under the responsibility of the Ministry of Production and Economic Development of the Government of San Juan.

The objective of this place is to simplify the procedures for those who need access to the more than 50 tools that the department has.

In this context, those interested in taking out a loan, accessing an NRA or financing, will be able to consult about which tool is best suited to their business, in addition to instructing them to take the appropriate benefit simply and efficiently and provide technical advice for banking entities and non-banking, in cases that warrant it.

In the new offices, which will provide service from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., on Miter and Mendoza streets, Capital City, trained personnel will be available to put together a credit portfolio according to the applicant’s needs.

The objectives of the new institution are to stimulate the attraction of investors, export promotion and productive development through financial advice.

At the beginning of the act, Uñac referred to the work carried out “for seven years without interruption, with complicated economic situations, with pandemics, with macroeconomic schemes that have been absolutely adverse and, nevertheless, San Juan has managed to maintain during this time a policy that has bet on the design of a private sector, providing tools for that sector to become more dynamic, understanding that the State must generate conditions that are maintained over time”.

Subsequently, he stressed the need to “consolidate the things that we have done well, we will have to go for the things that we need to do and we will have to improve them. We have achieved a strengthened, diversified economy that does not depend on a single activity. We have been disruptive, thinking that medicinal cannabis should be here, whose development was a cultural challenge”.

In the following paragraph, the governor stated that “the path is this. We have had a State of closeness and a government of closeness, fundamentally, during these 7 years. The decrease in unemployment by 2.9 percent is not a minor or anecdotal fact and it is defended with an active State, reading situations and proposing tools, looking at each of the situations that strengthen and favor the San Juan society ”, he concluded .

For his part, Lucero added that one of the objectives of the Province is to continue generating economic development to expand existing wealth: “It is a measure introduced in the Gross Geographic Product and that is what we are trying to do. By working intelligently, as in the San Juan Model, with different economic tools, we can generate greater wealth. What is sought in the San Juan Model is to diversify and in this way generate a growth federalism that occurs throughout the country and throughout the province and that is redistributive, which means that it also directly intervenes in the reduction of unemployment and of poverty”.

Continuing, the official added data to graph the above: “In 2022 the Province generated an increase in its wealth of 5.9% thanks to the aforementioned model.”

Then, Lucero referred to the articulation between the public and private sectors. “We also have data on the decline in unemployment. I remember that exactly one year ago, San Juan had 5.2% unemployment and today we are at 2.9%. This cold percentage implies that there are people from San Juan who are looking for a livelihood, for growth, and they will continue to find it if we continue to apply this trend and this model”, he expressed.

In addition, he explained that “the positive thing is that within Cuyo, San Juan is the province with the lowest poverty rate, also compared to the Nation. To achieve this growth and this wealth we are focused on two things. One is investment in human capital. We sit down and talk a lot with each sector and we understand what are the human resources needs they have for their company, for their business or for their venture”.

Regarding the inaugurated entity, Lucero focused on the fact that “we are pioneers in implementing a system that will facilitate access to credit and in this sense, also the importance of what they will be able to receive here as a service, technical advice and financial that seeks to provide the best tools for projects that they wish to guarantee”.

To close, the minister explained that “through a simulator, which is another of the novelties, they will be able to find out which is the best combination of credits and which is the best rate for their project. The intention is for the ventures to begin to look at each other in an integral way and that all the financial tools that exist today in the province are as efficient as possible. This place is going to attract investment, we are receiving many queries that we will attend to, with advice on financial tools, legal security of the province , and other aspects that an investor needs to establish himself and for those who are already there, can diversify”.

Next, Fornasari congratulated the Government of the Province for the inauguration and stressed that “this headquarters reaffirms the vocation and the will to work with the entire productive sector of San Juan. We are not the exception. And more than anything because of the dialogue that it has permanently with the different productive and economic sectors. In our case, on behalf of ACARA, we are grateful for calling us to work in this line, unique at the national level, with tools that best suit the needs and possibilities of taxi drivers and bus drivers”.

Finally, Juan Aldeco, a taxi driver who obtained the first loan for his vehicle, said that he has been working as a taxi driver for 13 years and that “I had to change the unit and it was very difficult, almost impossible, but thanks to this tool, I am going to able to continue working for several more years. As a family man, I thank the Governor for listening to all of us.”

The importance of credit lines for the private sector

With this action, the government seeks to consolidate support for the private sector and thus achieve an increase in the Gross Geographic Product and a reduction in poverty and unemployment.

The tools offered have the lowest interest rates in the country, resulting in a genuine benefit for borrowers.

Current financial lines include

Refunding of the Line for Businesses, for the purchase of merchandise, MIPyMes, for a maximum amount of up to $2,000,000.

Term: 12 months without grace period, with an annual interest rate of 29.9%.

Guarantee: Own or third-party checks, San Juan Guarantee Guarantee.

Enter the area to process: Fiduciaria San Juan.

Microenterprise investment line

Destination: Purchase of capital goods for micro-enterprises, with a maximum amount of up to $5,000,000.

Term: 36 months without grace period, with an annual interest rate of 29.9%.

Guarantee: San Juan Guarantee Guarantee.

Enter the area to process: Fiduciaria San Juan.

Credit Program for the Reactivation of the Province of San Juan Second Auction of the San Juan III Program

Global amount auctioned among financial institutions: $1,620,000,000.

Banks with allocated quota: San Juan, $324,000,000; Credicoop Coop Ltdo, $324,000; Patagonia, $324,000,000; Macro $324,000,000; Supervielle, $250,000,000; Comafi, $74,000,000.

Destination: Investment projects, Purchase of capital goods and working capital, MiPyMES, with a maximum amount per borrower of up to USD $600,000, in terms of up to 60 months with a 24-month grace period. Up to 12 months for working capital.

Interest Rate: Fixed TNA of 51% and guarantee to the satisfaction of each bank.

Entity or area to process: Bancos San Juan, Credicoop, Patagonia, Macro, Supervielle and Comafi.

More about requirements and information on the website and San Juan branches of each bank with an assigned quota.

#opened #space #dedicated #providing #tools #private #sector #Cuyos #diary

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