«Naturalia», Anna Corcione at Incinque Open Art Monti

by time news

twelve o’clock, May 6, 2021 – 8:05 pm

Roman solo exhibition for the Neapolitan artist always in dialogue with the themes of the environment and ecological humanism

The Incinque Open Art Monti gallery in Rome will start again with the solo show of the Neapolitan artist Anna Corcione, Naturalia, Friday 7 May (opening at 6 pm) on display until 15 May, the date of the finishing touch with an exceptional guest, the chansonnier Peppe Voltarelli .

«The idea for the exhibition was born during a previous meeting in July 2020 within the Vita d’Artista review. On that occasion Monica Cecchini, co-curator of the exhibition together with the writer and journalist Jonathan Giustini, got in tune with the artist’s research which is based on the relationship between art and the environment, starting from a spontaneous exploration during his travels ” .

«The art of Corcione has a social function, questions about environmental sustainability and ecology but also about the identity matrix of the places; she herself says she has “the need to take away something that belongs to the deep root of the territory visited, something alive and that represents an imaginary place” ».

The works on display are part of a new pictorial project by Anna Corcione: Naturalia et Mirabilia. “Over the years, his research has been increasingly refined, becoming essential, intimate and choral at the same time. The artist gives a new life to the organic material he collects from his travels. Branches, twigs, leaves and small shrubs join the canvas in a new form, giving a feeling of strength and fragility at the same time; the backgrounds of the canvases are white but also colored, blue to symbolize the divine and the infinite, and other colors to evoke the entire universe. The molded texture intertwines with that of the branches creating a perfect natural harmony, an emotional journey made of links between places, essences and values ​​».

The exhibition will end on May 15 with the presentation of the “Planetario” album by Peppe Voltarelli, cover and illustrations by Anna Corcione.

Due to the health emergency it is necessary to book via email: [email protected]

Open from Tuesday to Sunday, 4.30pm-7.30pm. Monday closed.

May 6, 2021 | 20:05


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