Done: Crisis workers have a new mobile asylum

by time news

2023-05-21 11:57:05

The comforters wear purple: the psychosocial emergency care team (PSNV) is available 24 hours a day to help people in difficult life situations. On Friday it inaugurated its new emergency vehicle in Löningen, which is intended to provide valuable service, especially in the event of accidents. The purchase was made possible thanks to numerous donations.

The acute aid takes place under the umbrella of the German Red Cross. The transporter is the third mobile asylum that the DRK district association maintains. So far, the volunteers in the four southern district communities have mostly had to use their own cars for their assignments. The new transporter is now being stationed in the recently completed DRK on-site readiness site on St. Florian-Strasse. In addition to a table and seating, it has blue lights and digital radio. In an emergency, the vehicle has special rights and must be allowed through by drivers.

Already over a hundred operations this year

The crisis workers bring death news, look after women who have been beaten by their husbands, or take care of accident victims or their relatives on site. They also get warm blankets and drinks in the car. The equipment also includes a backpack with painting materials and toys. Around 250 assignments of all kinds come together on average each year. “From January to May alone there were more than a hundred again,” reports Heinz Dierker. At the inauguration, the district coordinator welcomed numerous sponsors, including the Lodbergen village youth. She had donated the profits from her tent party, more than 1700 euros. But also the luck spiral as well as banks, companies and many private individuals made money loose, so that the necessary 65,000 euros came together within a few weeks. “The great willingness to donate shows how well the work of emergency care is accepted,” said Bernhard Möller, chairman of the DRK district. With its 45 members, who are divided into three regional groups, it is an important part of the Red Cross. “They are the anchor in traumatizing moments,” emphasized Möller.

Strong team: Around ten active people are involved in the southern district as emergency workers. Photo: Meyer

Almost ten volunteers are active in the southern district. They are connected to each other via an app. Because they are always supposed to move out in pairs, they have to come to an agreement in order to reconcile work, family and work. There is no expense allowance. Nevertheless, the helpers are happy to take on the hardships. How important their commitment is was shown when an emergency call came in during the ceremony, but another team was able to take over.

The search for the right vehicle took some time. His consecration took over Father Jacob from the parish of St. Vitus and Pastor Lina Kohring. The soul also needs support, emphasized the evangelical clergyman and wished the emergency workers God’s blessing for the future.

Donated profit: The PSNV can rely on the village youth Lodbergen.  Photo: MeyerDonated profit: The PSNV can rely on the village youth Lodbergen. Photo: Meyer


  • Donate accepts the psychosocial emergency care of the Red Cross at any time: Volksbank Cloppenburg
    IBAN: DE67 2806 1501 0046 0001 00
    Keyword: donation PSNV
  • Initial training to become a crisis worker Anyone between the ages of 23 and 65 can take it. In addition to monthly supervision, there are regular training courses. Information on phone 04471/8509550 ([email protected]).

#Crisis #workers #mobile #asylum

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