La Rochelle celebrates its heroes, winner of an anthology Champions Cup

by time news

2023-05-21 09:22:43

You had to see all the flags in the colors of Stade Rochelais, displayed on the windows and in the bars of La Rochelle, to realize the euphoria that was sweeping the city this Saturday, May 20. The final of the Rugby Champions Cup – the new version of the European Cup, in which South African clubs now participate – between the yellows and blacks and their Irish rivals Leinster had the taste of revenge, a year after the coronation of the French clubs.

This time, the supporters weren’t leading off. Their rival was playing at home and, on paper, was the favorite. But Toulon’s victory the day before in the Challenge Cup gave fans wings. “Yesterday Toulon, tonight La Rochelle! »prognosticates with enthusiasm Alex, who came especially from the Ile de Ré to mingle with the thousands of fans gathered on the old port, in front of the gigantic giant screens deployed for the occasion.

A nightmarish departure

The tension, palpable, was in order from the first minutes of play. Leinster dominates largely, the smiles tense. “They’re not in it”analyzes a fan between two sips of beer. “There is a time of adaptation”reassures another.

Time flies and the score increases. Leinster then leads 17-0 at the end of the first quarter of an hour and seems out of reach. “You can’t take three tries in the first 10 minutes and hope for something”annoys Julien, himself a young hope of rugby in the youth category. “Well, it’s not their day”abounds Jonathan, bartender in a café near the old port.

“In the figures, I must say that we are winners, on the other hand”, he laughs. And for good reason the defeat that is taking shape for Stade Rochelais does not prevent the beer shooters from continuing to turn. “We lose, we win, in any case, it’s party time! »seems to console Clémence, jersey in the colors of her favorite club, screwed to the shoulders.

In the 19th minute of the match, the center of Stade Rochelais, Jonathan Danty however stands out and wakes up a city of La Rochelle, hitherto disillusioned, by piercing the Irish defense. “Here, here, it’s La Rochelle! » resume in chorus the thousands of people present on the quays, between jets of beer and other movements of crowds. We start to believe it.

“That’s it, it’s finally starting! », exclaims a man whose wet shirt suggests that he could not dodge all the alcohol residue sent by the crowd. “Come on, there’s still time! » The second La Rochelle try in the 38th minute gives hope. Stade Rochelais is only nine points behind at halftime (23 to 14).

A stunning scenario

Back on the field, the thirty actors fight a bitter fight. The scores change little, but hope resists. At each breakthrough in La Rochelle, the crowd gathered along the old port rises as one man and screams. “Here, here, it’s La Rochelle! » resounds again. Supporters make their voices heard. Enough to motivate, 1,500 kilometers away, the men of the XV La Rochelle. After a controlled scrum, the French club scored another try through Georges Henri Colombe and took control of the game for the first time in the 72nd minute. The old port exults: « Voilà ! » exclaims a fan, “you will do it!” »

Dreams of a historic double take shape for the inhabitants of La Rochelle, until the final whistle, synonymous with an explosion of cries and horns all along the old port and in the city. They did it. Stade La Rochelais won 27-26 against the disgruntled Irish, who saw the coronation go away for the second time in a row.

“We almost missed outon-the-spot analysis Clémence. In the first half, we were nil against the Irish offensives. Too wait-and-see… but you should never bury La Rochelle! “We can’t win every year… oh well if we can! »screams his friend Hugo, aware, no doubt that his team has come back from nowhere. “We are there every year, and it’s not going to stop”.

The group of supporters is convinced that the great period of Stade Rochelais has only just begun. “It’s decided, we’ll party until the players return, and even after”, assures one of them. Judging by the new round freshly ordered from the bar, the third half has well and truly begun. It will last until dawn, awaiting the return of the heroes to La Rochelle land.

#Rochelle #celebrates #heroes #winner #anthology #Champions #Cup

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