The EU will soon launch scholarship competitions for Beninese students

by time news

2023-05-19 09:55:20

September is the month of the explosion of announcements of European scholarships for African teachers and students. Before the scholarship offers scheduled for the month of September are put online, the European Union is increasing its information and exchange meetings for the benefit of higher education teaching staff and Master’s students and beyond. Via an information workshop on the ERASMUS+ program held at the IDRISS DEBY amphitheater of the University of Abomey-Calavi, the project experts encourage, incite and mobilize Beninese students to apply massively to increase their chances of success in these different scholarships. These meetings accompanied by exchanges and question-and-answer games were very instructive for students and teachers to better position themselves on the ERASMUS+ program which links the universities of Africa and Europe in connection with an educational training of quality.

Each European State, in turn at the desk, presented its offers of services and scholarship opportunities to the highly mobilized Beninese professors and students; and who filled the Idriss Déby amphitheater which had become cramped to accommodate the participants. For the ambassador of the Netherlands to Benin, academic cooperation between her country, the kingdoms of the Netherlands and the Republic of Benin, dates back to the dawn of time (1980). In terms of opportunities, the Dutch put on the stock market in Benin, training in the institutional field. That’s not all. The Netherlands also graciously provides several training modules for the benefit of higher education in Benin. These areas of cooperation, granting of scholarships between Dutch universities and Beninese universities range from agriculture to food security on the one hand, from reproductive health to sexual rights, water, health, botany , the port trades on the other hand. These scholarships are granted to students and teachers in health sciences but also to doctoral students who are doing research in the agri-food and agri-business sector. The profiles are, among others, master’s or post-master’s students in the sectors already mentioned above. Other countries such as Germany are in favor of supporting Benin in research.

Germany provides universities in Benin with 180 scholarships or travel opportunities in the agriculture sub-sector. For this reason, the Federal Republic of Germany and Benin are seeking joint solutions to global challenges related to the undernourishment of communities and the well-being of populations. By offering 180 scholarships to teaching staff and master’s students, the Germans intend to strengthen the agricultural sector and the local economy as a lever of added value to the national economy.

Belgium endorses the vision of the European Union for a win-win partnership between the Universities of Europe and those of Benin. As such, between 2018-2022, there were 120 outgoing and incoming mobility between Belgian and Beninese researchers. These exchanges of knowledge and experience sharing between the two countries have created a network of interculturality and language learning.

France is a major partner in academic cooperation with Benin. A colonizing country by essence, France has been pulling the strings of its academic partnership since the dawn of time. According to statistics, France grants more scholarships and welcomes more Beninese students than any other country. There is a lot of mobility between French and Beninese learners. Every year there are more than 100,000 Beninese students who go to study in France. In recent years, the number of students in French education has doubled. From 100,000 previously, the quota for adding Beninese to Macron’s country has increased to more than 200,000, according to well-established selective criteria. Beninese students and teachers who go to France receive training or capacity building in the areas of law, medicine, diplomacy, agriculture, politics and issues of people and property.


The Director of University and Scientific Cooperation, Judith AHOUNOU AÏKPÉ, the Director of Scholarships and University Aid Martin OGOUSSAN; the Rector of the University of Abomey-Calavi, Félicien AVLÉSSI and the Director of Cabinet of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Rogatien TOSSOU joined their voices to salute the merits of this program in line with President Patrice Talon’s vision for the education sector. In a brilliantly improvised speech, Judith AHOUNOU AÏKPÉ notably encouraged young researchers to apply in increasing numbers for grants. She also pleaded for facilitation of obtaining visas from host countries. Martin OGOUSSAN, focal point of the ERASMUS+ project at the Ministry of Higher Education agreed. He wished for effective networking for sharing knowledge and scientific experiences between Africa and Europe. Rector Félicien AVLESSI was delighted with the fact that UAC has the lion’s share among the beneficiary centers of the program. By officially launching the ERASMUS+ 2023 program, Rogatien TOSSOU expressed his satisfaction with the appointment of an ERASMUS+ focal point in Benin. As well as exchange meetings with project stakeholders, one of the purposes of which is to hold the present promotion of the program. He continues: “I hope that cooperation will continue to be strengthened through workshops for ownership of the program and technical support to Member States”.


Through poignant testimonies, former and new beneficiaries of the ERASMUS+ program expressed their joy at being selected to strengthen their skills in Europe’s universities. The PhD student in tourism, Stéphanie BOCCO benefited from a one-year scholarship in Spain in the Canary Islands. She was better equipped in her field of research. In her speech, she did not fail to mention the difficulties related to communicating in Spanish. Yaovi Bruno, doctoral student in medical and veterinary microbiology at the UAC doctoral school, spent several months in Romania to strengthen her microbiology skills. Very grateful to Europeans, the lucky recipient encouraged Beninese students to take part in the scholarship competition. Félix SESSOU, Doctor at the Polytechnic School of UAC (EPAC) defended his thesis thanks to the ERASMUS+ program which allowed him to spend six weeks of training in breeding and industry on a farm in Romania. The reception he received, according to him, was enthusiastic. All wish the sustainability of the ERASMUS+ program which will surely improve the quality of education offered in the teaching and student environment. Europe week was especially enriched by a workshop to raise children’s awareness of good environmental practices. For a healthy and livable environment, the European Union pleads for eco-citizen behavior.

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