Pensions and retirement: Disabilities that reduce the retirement age

by time news

2023-05-22 00:15:31

Monday, May 22, 2023, 00:15

As of next month, those with a disability greater than 45% will see a reduction in the number of years of contribution necessary to be able to request early retirement. Of the fifteen currently required, once the diagnosis is obtained, there are only five, provided they have worked an effective time equivalent to the minimum contribution period. In addition, it is possible that people with more than one pathology also advance their retirement from work if the sum of these reaches this same 45%.

In this way, the minimum retirement age for people with a degree equal to or greater than 45% as a consequence of any of the disabilities contemplated by law will be 56 years. If the worker has a disability equal to or greater than 65%, he could retire from the age of 52.

Who benefits from the change?

Employees and self-employed workers included in any of the regimes that make up the Social Security system that accredit:

– Being registered or in a situation similar to that of registration

– That throughout their working life they have worked an effective time equivalent to, at least, the minimum contribution period required to be able to access the retirement pension while affected by any of the pathologies that cause disability and, within that period, for at least five years, with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 45%.

How is disability proven?

– Through a medical report indicating the date on which the pathology began or manifested itself, whether this is the date of birth or a later one.

– The accreditation that the disability has been equal to or greater than 45% for at least five years must be made by means of a certificate from the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services (Imserso) or from the corresponding body of each autonomous community.

list of disabilities

The list of disabilities that can lead to a reduction in the retirement age is as follows, as published by the BOE:

a) Intellectual disability.

(b) Cerebral palsy.

c) Genetic abnormalities:

1st Down Syndrome.

2nd Prader Willi Syndrome.

3. Fragile X Syndrome.

4th Osteogenesis imperfecta.

5.º Acondroplasia.

6th Cystic Fibrosis.

7th Wilson’s disease.

d) Autism spectrum disorders.

e) Congenital anomalies secondary to thalidomide.

f) Polio sequelae or post-polio syndrome.

g) Brain damage (acquired):

1st Cranioencephalic trauma.

2. Sequelae of CNS tumors, infections or poisoning.

h) Mental illness:

1st Schizophrenia.

2nd bipolar disorder.

i) Neurological disease:

1st Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

2nd multiple sclerosis.

3. Leukodystrophies.

4. Tourette’s Syndrome.

5th traumatic spinal cord injury.

#Pensions #retirement #Disabilities #reduce #retirement #age

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