Campaign Your first patient, solidarity between young doctors

by time news

2023-05-22 08:21:59

The Foundation for the Social Protection of the Collegiate Medical Organization (FPSOMC) launches the #TuPrimerPaciente campaign with the aim of promoting solidarity among the young medical collective

Campaña “Tu primer paciente”, promover la solidaridad entre los médicos jóvenesPoster of the #Tuprimerpaciente campaign/Image courtesy of the Collegiate Medical Organization

Solidarity among young doctors is the central axis of the “Your first patient” campaign.

“You just graduated. Do you know that you belong to the most supportive profession that exists? With these words, the Foundation for the Social Protection of the Collegiate Medical Organization welcomes the new members and resident doctors in a space that it has created in its Web destined for the #Tuprimerpaciente campaign.

The objective of “Your first patient” is to raise awareness among new doctors who, from the moment they are registered, begin to care for their own colleagues, being part of this Foundation, through their medical schools.

The campaign arises with the mission of bringing the work of this Foundation closer to young doctors, as well as making them aware of the importance of solidarity and help between doctors when they are in moments of difficulty.

Solidarity, a key element of Your first patient

#Tuprimerpaciente seeks to convey to residents and new members the importance of exercising solidarity and being part of the FPSOMC.

Since college, the first two years are part of the #MedicalFamily at no cost. Once this period of time ends, the doctors continue their solidarity work incorporated into the more than 105,000 protective members of the Foundation who each year help thousands of colleagues.

This campaign is also accompanied by an infographic video, posters, flyers and visual creatives adapted to social networks and aimed at a young audience that explain the work and facilitate dissemination among the medical community, materials that will be disseminated by medical colleges.

The OMC Foundation for Social Protection is a body of solidarity among the medical community in the face of the various protection needs that physicians or their families may present.

#Campaign #patient #solidarity #young #doctors

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