“There is clearly an upsurge in acts of intimidation” perpetrated by the far right

by time news

2023-05-22 19:22:04

Threats from elected officials accepting the reception of refugees in Callac (Côtes-d’Armor), Saint-Brevin-les-Pins (Loire-Atlantique) and Bélâbre (Indre). Cancellation of concerts by singer Bilal Hassani in a church in Lorraine, then by organist Kali Malone in a church in Carnac (Morbihan), in the face of threats from fundamentalist Catholics judging the events “profanatory”. Controversy after a children’s event with a drag queen in Bordeaux…

Mobilizations and intimidation of the French far right – from political parties to neo-fascist groups – have multiplied in recent months. An unprecedented “upsurge”, but classic modes of action on this side of the political spectrum, according to Jean-Yves Camus, specialist in ultra-right movements and co-director of the Observatory of political radicalism of the Jean-Jaurès Foundation.

Are the punch actions of the extreme right multiplying or are they benefiting from a media spotlight?

There is no media magnifying effect: there is clearly an upsurge, not of simple far-right ‘agit-prop’, but of acts of intimidation targeting a wide variety of events and projects. Are targeted reception centers for asylum seekers (CADA), places of worship ready to host cultural events, readings organized by drag queens… All justified by a moral injunction dictated by a multitude of right-wing organizations and small groups.

Among these actions, we can note the particularity of those carried out against the CADA. They constitute a paradox in far-right militancy. The self-proclaimed defenders of public order, sovereignty, sovereignty and therefore the strength of the State oppose… purely state decisions and measures: the State being present at each stage of intervention in these places , from their installation to the follow-up of the people received.

Apart from the CADAs, are the mobilizations of recent months nothing new?

For actions justified by morality, Civitas has been at the forefront since its creation [en 1999] against all exhibitions of works or performances of plays deemed blasphemous. We are dealing here with theocrats, a declared party [depuis 2016] of which one of the first battles, written in its program, is the complete negation of a principle enshrined in the Constitution: the secularism of France. Their desire to impose a radical version of Lefebvrist Catholicism has no chance of succeeding. But their actions can sometimes cause organizers to abandon the events they target, for fear of public disorder.

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