Why lovers do not regret being with someone who has children

by time news

2023-05-22 22:40:43

be the other woman in a ‘love triangle’ It is a situation that sooner or later will end up surpassing you, in some way, you live with the hope that the couple decides leave his wife, but also to the most innocent of the situation. As horrible as it is,Why do lovers not regret being with someone who has children??

Although the lover falls in love with a married manthe truth is that there is no infidelity if one does not open the door for it to happen. Yes, the approach can be fully aware of the situation, but there are also scenarios in which the lover is unaware that this man already has a commitmentuntil he falls in love and it is more difficult to leave him.

In a ‘love triangle‘, the lover is usually the most despicable figure to get into a relationship with a married man. According to information from the American Psychological Association, the mistress is described as the woman with whom a married man has a relationshipeither sentimental or sexual, most of the time without the wife’s knowledge.

Why lovers do not regret being with someone who has children/ Photo: iStock

A lover must conspire with his partner so that he can protect your marriagealthough there is hope that at some point he will leave the wife, in the bottom of his heart, a lover she knows that this man will never be available to her when she needs him, she will never be able to call him freely, but he will when he wants to see her… from time to time.

What motivates a woman to be the mistress?

Although there are many reasons why a woman is motivated to be the lover, an article published by Journal of Personality, suggests that lovers can be women in love who act contrary to their beliefs and values. However, they continue with the relationship because they feel reciprocated, using the self delusion as a defense mechanism.

Specialists describe that a lover woman justifies your partner’s lies because it identifies you as a ‘victim in your relationship‘, since according to them, they suffer in a suffocating, unsatisfactory relationship with no futureeven if you don’t have the courage to leave wife; the mistress sees herself as a ‘savior’.

Why lovers do not regret being with someone who has children/ Photo: iStock

The lover She is usually a vulnerable woman, who does not feel complete in her relationshipsalso does not feel enough to maintain a relationship with Single men, therefore, come in the ‘love triangles‘ a lifeline that keeps them afloat, developing a emotional dependency chart towards the married person, hence why it is so difficult to leave them.

The lack of empathy may be one of the reasons why the lover does not regret being with a man with children because by not putting yourself in the place of the people affected, it is impossible for them to measure the magnitude of their actions, therefore, they do not feel any remorse or guiltonly live the pleasure of the moment

On the other hand, the lover usually live in self-deception and denying the consequences of her actions, she convinces herself that her love is legit and that the happiness that this man brings her is enough to justify her participation in the infidelity.

Why lovers do not regret being with someone who has children/ Photo: iStock

Believe it or not, another of the reasons why the lover does not regret being with someone who has children It is because they unconsciously tend to seek in their partners a model of his fatherIn some cases, if he was unfaithful, now they are the ones who repeat the behavior pattern with the example they lived.

What percentages of men leave their wife for the mistress?

Although an approximate percentage of men who leave their wife for their lover does not exist as such, information from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI)reveal that the adultery or sexual infidelity It’s the third cause of divorce in Mexico.

On the other hand, no matter what the married men get into an extramarital relationship, they will always seek to take care of their image, for this reason, they usually have in the hiding from the mistress, legally, she cannot demand anything from him, financially or emotionally.

Why lovers do not regret being with someone who has children/ Photo: iStock

Why doesn’t a man leave his wife even though he loves his lover?

It is possible that a man can develop emotions for her lover, but not always usually leave the wife because although it seems incongruous, somehow they feel committed to wife and family.

Besidesvalue stability that you have built with your partner or by fear of legal consequencesFor example, having to stand trial in which it is determined that he must give alimony.

now that you know Why do lovers not regret being with someone who has children?as well as some reasons why they do not leave their wife, you may consider that the lover is not always the one who should bear all the blame for the ‘love triangle‘.

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