“The Advantages of Hybrid Working: Healthier Lifestyle, Eating Habits, and Increased Productivity”

by time news

2023-05-22 11:56:47

We were forced to trade in the office for a home office in March 2020 (we all remember why). It turned out to be the basis for hybrid working. In 2023 we work partly from home, partly from the office. And that hybrid working appears to have its advantages!

Healthier lifestyle

Many employers like to see their staff at the office full time, but it certainly has its advantages to be able to work partly from home. Research by IWG, a flexible workspace provider, shows that hybrid working can lead to healthier employees. This is mainly due to the time savings. Travel time is no longer needed, so people have more time for healthier habits. The study of 2,000 hybrid workers showed that people sleep an average of 19 minutes more per day as a result – which equates to 71 hours of extra sleep per year.

People who work in hybrids also exercise more on average, 4.7 hours a week to be exact. This compared to before the pandemic. People mainly walk, run and do strength training. And we get that. Nothing better than taking a walk during your break. It is also easier to travel from home to the gym in your sports outfit.

Eat healthier

More sleep and more exercise is already a considerable gain if you ask us. It just doesn’t seem to stop there. Hybrid employees also appear to eat healthier. 70 percent of the people surveyed say they now have more time to eat a healthy breakfast every day and 54 percent say they have more time to cook a healthy meal during the week.

Work more productively

The benefits for the employee are clear, but this way of working also pays off for the employer. For example, 79 percent of respondents said they are more productive than before the outbreak of the pandemic. 47 percent say this is because they experience less work-related stress and 46 percent attribute it to having more time to relax and unwind after work, which again has a positive effect. For example, 66 percent state that their mental health is better thanks to hybrid working.

Source: IWG | Image: Adobe Stock

#Science #hybrid #employees #live #healthier #lives

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