The Almost Somethings: Why Does It Hurt So Much?

by time news

2023-05-22 23:15:51

At any time in our lives we have all gone through almost something and without being anything they have broken our hearts, that is why we explain why do almost somethings hurt so much.

When a romance ends this is usually painful, but sometimes it can be more complicated when a relationship has not yet started. engagement And we still don’t understand why.

Some psychologists reveal that the feeling is more painful since there is also frustration due to the expectations we had and not only that, we also tend to believe that we are not enough for the other person.

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What does it mean for someone to be your almost something?

The almost somethings are classified as love affairs that never became formal, although there is no specific time, they are usually short-lived and can hurt a lot, even more than a moment. engagement formal.

One of the reasons that stands out the most is the idealization that one person creates with another and after the breakup they have to go through a duel to be able to overcome it.

What is broken heart syndrome?

To our surprise the heart syndrome broken does exist and the Mayo Clinic Clinical Institute indicates that it is a condition that occurs due to a stressful situation or extreme emotions, so we recommend trying to grieve calmly and, if necessary, with the support of a psychologist.

This syndrome is most often a temporary condition, although it can have sequelae after the heart heals. The characteristics of the broken heart syndrome are chest pain and shortness of breath.

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When is it time to let someone go?

The time to end a love relationship depends on each person, however, there are some signs that you can consider.

  • feeling sad
  • Bother
  • there is no chemistry
  • You have doubts
  • Inconvenience

These signs can help you make a decision, but if you don’t feel safe, you can ask for the advice of a professional who will help you get to know yourself better.

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How to get away little by little from a person?

If you have thought that the best way to get away from someone is little by little, we recommend you distance yourself from that person on social networks and avoid daily contact.

You can also suspend your plans and routines that you did with that person, as well as plans for the future. Another strategy is to start physical activities or that call your attention that will help you distract yourself.

You can avoid contact in person, but if you notice that this is not working you can talk about it honestly with that person to finally get away from him.

Now that you know these tips on why almost something hurts so much, we recommend you apply the recommendations and grieve in a calm and responsible way.

Do not forget to resort to a specialist if you think it is necessary.

Here we share a video that will surely work for you:

#Somethings #Hurt

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