What is papalo: benefits and contraindications

by time news

2023-05-23 01:30:50

In Mexico, like other places in Latin America, it is common to see that at quesadillas, tlacoyos or gorditas of beans or cottage cheese is added papalo. A plant that, beyond providing flavor, takes care of our health. But What is papalo and what are its benefits?

It is said that health comes from the mouth, just like illness. And it is possible that this popular knowledge is partly correct. Our ancestors knew it, therefore part of our gastronomy is also medicinal as the shovel.

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What is papalo?

Also called aztec “butterfly”, This plant is herbaceous and is distinguished by its aromatic color and strong flavor. Its name comes from the Nahuatl “papaloquílitl”. It usually grows in Mexico, Central and South America, although it can already be found in other spaces thanks to exports.

He Porophyllum ruderale its scientific name, it has been used since ancient times as part of dishes such as soups, sauces, beans, and as a complement to famous mexican snacks

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What nutrients does the papalo have?

He felt Although it may not seem like it, it is a true option with an infinity of properties, according to Agrifood and Fisheries Information Servicethis plant contains:

1- Antioxidants
2- Minerals
3- Football
4- Potassium
5- Phosphorus

But the qualities of the papalo are not only limited to nutrition. Its use extends to the medical area, as it is considered to have medicinal properties.

papalo benefits

Depending on the part of the country, the use of the papalo changes. This grass, which in nature can measure up to 75 centimeters, according to the Digital Library of Traditional Mexican Medicinefrom UNAM, has the following benefits:

1. Tabasco papalo is used as a laxative.
2. In Michoacán it is used for liver disease, which is distinguished by bad breath. Here more than the leaf, the root is ingested.
3. In Veracruz its use is understood to treat heartbeat (palpitations in the pit of stomach).

In other situations in which the papalo is administered is to regulate menstruation, toothache and control epileptic attacks.

Papalo side effects?

This plant as such has no side effects. Actually, its extract does not have ingredients or toxic elements. But like any drug or herb, a small serving should be tried, to see that there is not a allergic reaction or hypersensitivity.

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How to eat papalo to achieve all its benefits?

Pápalo is an aromatic and flavorful herb that is commonly used in Mexican cooking. Here’s how you can eat papalo:

1. Cleaning: Before using the papalo, be sure to wash it thoroughly under running water to remove any dirt or impurities. If necessary, you can use a soft brush to clean it.

2. Preparation: Papalo is consumed mainly for its leaves, which are the tastiest. You can remove the leaves from the main stem, discarding the thick, woody parts.

3. Use in salads: A common way to enjoy pápalo is in salads. You can chop the leaves into smaller pieces and add them to your favorite salad. Its fresh and slightly spicy flavor complements other ingredients very well, such as tomatoes, onions, avocado or beans.

4. Taco Dressing and Dips: Papalo is also used as a topping for tacos, tortas, and other Mexican dishes. You can add the leaves whole or finely chopped on top of your tacos along with other ingredients, such as meat, onion, cilantro, etc. You can also mix the chopped papalo with other ingredients to make fresh and tasty sauces.

5. Papalo tea: Some people prepare pápalo tea to take advantage of its benefits and its flavor. To make it, boil water and add some papalo leaves. Let the leaves infuse for a few minutes, then remove them. You can sweeten the tea if you wish and enjoy it hot or cold.

Remember that papalo has a fairly distinctive flavor and can be strong for some people. I recommend trying it in small amounts at first and adjusting the amount based on your personal preferences. Enjoy the pápalo in your meals!

Now that you know all papalo properties, Do you dare to enjoy its benefits?

If you want to know more about medicinal plants, we invite you to watch the following video.

#papalo #benefits #contraindications

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