Popocatépetl Volcano: Silicosis, the disease that “inflames your lungs” and travels in the ashes you inhale

by time news

2023-05-22 18:34:00

Mexico City is guarded by two great colossi, the Iztaccíhuatl volcano and the Popocatepetl volcano. The latter has been active for a couple of years, and although it has not experienced an explosion, its ashes could already be making havoc in the lungs of the inhabitants of the capital through the silicosis.

The Popocatepetl It is classified as an active and dangerous volcano. Since the end of 1993, it has not stopped emitting steam, gas and ash emissions, describes the National Center for Disaster Prevention.

From a biological and material perspective, an explosion from this fiery giant would be the greatest danger facing one of the world’s most populous cities. However, it is not so.

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What is silicosis?

Having “Don Goyo” as a neighbor could carry risks that go beyond fear; example, silicosis. It is a lung disease, which is caused by the inhalation of silica dust (a crystal found in nature), says the United States National Library of Medicine.

There are three types of silicosis

1-Accelerated silicosis. It occurs after prolonged exposure of 5 to 15 years to silica. What causes the lung inflammation.

2-Acute silicosis. The lungs become inflamed and filled with fluids, making breathing difficultny lowering blood oxygen levels. It is usually developed by large amounts of silica in very short times.

3-Chronic silicosis. It is the result of inhaling silica continuously for about 20 years. This dust causes prolonged inflammation of the lungs and chest lymph nodes.

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How do you know you have silicosis?

The tos could be the first indication of silicosishowever, there are a significant number of conditions that can cause it. For those we reveal to you the signs of this disease:

Silicosis symptoms

  1. Tos
  2. respiratory distress
  3. Weightloss

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It should be noted that the silicosis disease is not only caused by living near a volcano like “To Support”. You may be exposed to developing it if you work in the manufacture of abrasives, glass, or in quarries or mines.

According to the World Health Organization, volcanic ash has proportions of free crystalline silica in the form of quartz, cristobalite, or tridymite minerals. When explosions occur, it is expelled from the cot in the form of dust, reaching our lungs.

It is important that certain precautions are maintained to keep us safe from the effects of ash in the long term.

If you want to know more, we invite you to watch the following video:

#Popocatépetl #Volcano #Silicosis #disease #inflames #lungs #travels #ashes #inhale

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