Covid, new fears related to children for 16 million parents

by time news

From distance learning to the suspension of all sports and recreational activities, the pandemic has had a significant impact also on the life and daily life of smaller so much so that beyond 6 out of 10 Italian parents, equal to almost 16.5 million individuals, they stated of having developed new fears related to children, fears they did not have before the pandemic. This is one of the data that emerged from the survey commissioned to research institutes mUp Research e Norstat and carried out on a representative sample of the national adult population *.

The most common fears

But what are, specifically, the fears that parents have today for their children? Among those who admitted to having concerns that only manifested themselves after Covid-19, more than 1 in 3 respondents, equal to over 8.5 million individuals, said he feared that the past year may have had a negative psychological impact on one’s child.

Continuing to analyze the survey data it emerged that more than 1 in 4 parents (26.8%), ie approx 6.7 million people, admitted he was concerned that the distance learning may have created gaps in the scholastic preparation of the children; few less (6.5 million, 26.3%) are those who have expressed the fear that the boys use public transport considered as a potential vehicle for contagion.

Furthermore, with the gradual relaxation of restrictions, students have returned and will increasingly return to everyday life, both as regards classroom lessons and leisure and sports activities; this progressive normality after more than a year of limitations, however, it has aroused new fears in many parents, so much so that, according to the survey by, they are more than 4 and a half million (18.1%) those who said they were worried that their children might meet friends. There are also many Italians (about 3.5 million) who even admitted to having fear of letting the children at school.

They have developed new fears especially mothers (67.1% vs 64.4% of fathers) e residents in the South, where the percentage of those who admitted to having concerns that arose only after the outbreak of the pandemic rises to 74.9% (65.8%, on the other hand, the figure at national level).

“This pandemic has unleashed fears and uncertainties that have invested our daily lives and destabilized the” planned “future” – explains the Psychologist Raffaela Messina“The impact that the closure of the school and online education has on children of all ages is worrying for parents. The distance from friends, the lack of understanding between the desks and the word exchanged with the partner, have made learning a sterile constraint. Irritability, inattention and social withdrawal are the result; behaviors with which fears and resources of parents today have to confront even more ».

The most widespread fears in the North, Center and South

From the analysis at the territorial level it emerges that, despite parents from Northern Italy have turned out i less worried of the country (59.2% vs 65.8% nationally), the data relating to possibilities remains high among them negative implications of the lockdown from the psychological point of view so much so that, almost 1 respwaving your 3 (32.3%), openly admitted that they have this fear.

The concern in doing return the children to school, on the other hand, it is shared by 7.2% of the inhabitants of the North, half of what is recorded in the whole country (14.2%); the same consideration must be made for the fear that i boys leave the house, where the percentage is equal to 5.8% compared to 10.2% recorded at national level.

Moving on to the Center of Italy, the survey revealed how the inhabitants of this area turn out to be the most concerned from the possible negative consequences of distance learning on the educational path of the pupils; if at the national level the percentage is 26.8%, in the central regions the value rises until it reaches 28,3%. The fear that the children may meet friendson the other hand, it is shared by residents of Central Italy in a lower percentage than other areas of the country (14.2% vs 18.1% nationally).

However, it is in the South that the highest values ​​are recorded: if at national level the percentage of parents who admitted to having expressed new fears for their children due to the pandemic is equal to 65.8%, South and in the Islands the value even reaches 74,9%.

The inhabitants of these areas are mostly concerned that the various lockdowns may have had a negative psychological impact on one’s child; to admit it are 37% of parents residing in the South and in the Islands, a higher percentage than the national one (34.3%).

A further interesting fact that emerged from the survey is that, among the residents of these areas of Italy, the percentage of those who have fear of sending children back to school, equal to 22.6%, considerably higher compared to that recorded throughout the country (14.2%).

The inhabitants of the South and the Islands were also more worried about doing take public transport to children (34.2% vs 26.3% nationally).

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