“The Quirinale? The decision is in the hands of the political forces”. All the openings of Draghi to his race to the Colle: the video

by time news

During the traditional press conference at the end of the year, the Prime Minister Mario Draghi he answered the questions several times about his future, and especially those on his possible race to the Quirinale. “A round of applause, he interpreted what is in the head of all his colleagues here today,” he said ironically to the first journalist who posed the topic. Draghi then did not rule out any hypothesis. “I am a man, if you want a grandfather, at the service of the institutions. The responsibility for the decision rests entirely in the hands of the political forces that have allowed this government to act “. And he continued: “We have achieved three great results. We made Italy one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, we delivered the NRR on time and reached the 51 goals. We have created the conditions for continuing the work on the NRP. The government created these conditions regardless of who will be there: the important thing is that the government is supported by a majority like the one that supported this government, and it is as large as possible. It is a majority that I want to thank very much “. The scenario to be feared, he stressed, is that of “a split majority on the election of the President of the Republic. If the majority parties will be able to regroup around another name? This must be asked of them “.

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