Massa’s warnings to Fernández behind a new attack against the PASO

by time news

2023-05-23 08:13:20

After the meeting held this weekend in San Fernando, the Frente Renovador de Sergio Massa renewed pressure on the president Alberto Fernandez to cancel the debate in favor of the PASO. Through a statement, which strictly speaking was a letter with a single addressee, the massismo sent two messages to the Casa Rosada: that the promotion of a competition with several pro-government candidates adds “instability” to the economy and the outlook between August and October becomes even more uncertain, and that the President must convene “individually” to the coalition leaders. Ergo, pick up the phone and call Cristina Kirchner and Massa. To capitulate.

The demand for a meeting of the leaders of the Frente de Todos finds its echo -now distant- in the request that Máximo Kirchner and the hard wing of the ruling party repeated for months, after the defeat in the 2021 legislative elections. Yesterday, to reinforce that Coincidentally, the leader of La Cámpora was shown in Deputies with referents of the Renewal Front.

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We ask the president of the Justicialista Partyas the most important political force of the Frente de Todos, that convenes the main referents of the coalition individuallyas well as a table of political forces, for the purpose of discussing and designing, together, the best strategy in the face of this electoral process,” states the text of the letter, which avoids giving the name of Alberto Fernández, incumbent of the national PJ.

In the final paragraph of the document, massismo asks “rise to the challenge” to the President so that the Frente de Todos can build a competitive formula. “To live up to the historic moment requires everyone’s effort to make generosity, commitment and the collective construction of a competitive project prevail, which gives Argentines back hope and the possibility of believing in a best country”, they point out.

The initial paragraphs of the document are intended to conclude the discussion by the PASO. The arguments are based on the experience of 2019 and the step aside of Cristina Kirchner. “Three years ago the Frente Renovador was a founding part of a political space that was born of commitment and generosity. In 2019, the candidate with the greatest social representativeness gave up space and, in the same way, we all gave up to build a broad coalition and achieve convergence in the assembly of the Frente de Todos”, they point out.

The fundamentals are update in the next paragraph, with the “three thirds” scenario who described Cristina Kirchner In his interview on Thursday, where “electoral floors” matter more than “ceilings”, given the risk that the ruling party will be left out of a ballotage between Together for Change and Javier Milei’s libertarians. In this sense, massismo demands in its letter “a strategy that arises from the ability to understand the strategic vote that is expressed between the PASO and the first round, and between the first and the second round.”

There comes the first call to attention to the President. “We are convinced that there is no economic order if it is not accompanied by political stability”, affirms the Renewal Front, to highlight that this conviction led Massa to abandon “the comfort of parliamentary dialogue” and assume the head of the Ministry of Economy “when many were talking about a legislative assembly and a helicopter.” The “hot potato” that Cristina recognized in her last interview.

And that is where the massista letter links its two axes: “What we want is that this action [de Massa] is not hurt by internal differences that put at risk the economic stability necessary to complete this stage of government and start the new path of growth and development that Argentina needs”.

Translated, in massismo they believe that an officialism that goes fragmented to the PASO not only will expose -more crudely than the daily- the internal differences of the coalition, and that this display of invoice passes will have an impact on the economy; but This impact could be devastating in the period from August to October if the polls result in a three-thirds scenario, with Javier Milei and Juntos por el Cambio sitting on their segments, but where the official third appears splintered in four or five candidates.

“It would be suicidal to try to reach October fragmented,” sums up a massista official, who demands for the ruling party “a candidate who measures high and can reach the 30-point floor” that the vice president demands. A scenario that for the Renewal Front is reduced to two names: the governor Axel Kicillof and Massa.

For Massismo and a good part of Kirchnerism, the President’s “obsession” with claiming the PASO is reduced to the need to preserve some bargaining power to place proper names on the legislative lists. For Casa Rosada, on the other hand, Alberto Fernández seeks in PASO the possibility of expanding the coalition and raising the “electoral ceiling” of the ruling party.

Massismo’s claim to Fernández, however, comes at a time of utter weakness for the President, who in the PJ national congress last week was formally stripped of the pen to sign party agreements, now in the hands of Gildo Insfrán from Formosa. Definitely, Massa asks Fernández to call for an agreement that he is no longer in a position to sign. From another perspective, it enables him to rehearse at least the gestures of that call.

Conocé The Trust Project

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