The Zaragoza City Council approves a line of aid for the digitization and reactivation of the markets for a value of 200,000 euros. News. Zaragoza City Council

by time news

2023-05-23 11:33:49

Zaragoza City Council, through the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Employmenthas approved this morning in the Government of Zaragoza, a new package of aid worth 200,000 euros to boost the remodeling and works and digitization of the city markets. These are two lines of subsidies, each with an investment of 100,000 euros, one dedicated to investing in works to improve stalls, markets or common areas, and the second, for proposals for the digitization, promotion and revitalization of the Zaragoza fish markets. In this mandate, between 2019 and 2023, the Government of Zaragoza have invested specifically in these lines for the retailers of the auctions €900,000 in total. “We continue to support our markets, as we have done since this government started, we have always been next to our self-employed, they are our priority because they create jobs, generate wealth and pay their taxes in the city”, explained the Minister of Economy , Innovation and Employment, Carmen Herrarte.

The call of these grants, which is expected to be launched next week, is on a competitive basis. The objective of this double proposal is to help retailers from different markets to undertake projects that contribute to the development of local commerce to promote the transformation of the lifestyles of Zaragozans and favor the concept of the retail market as a meeting point. and interaction. “Both retailers and associations will be able to apply to these aids in both aspects, both in modernization and in improvement of spaces, those small works that improve the shopping experience”, has specified Herrarte.

For investment grants, with an amount of 100,000 euros, those interested may present construction projects to improve the general appearance of the market, accessibility, also create common spaces to carry out open activities, proposals to remodel or expand stalls or hygienic-sanitary type to combat the spread of contagious diseases.

Thus, along the lines of subsidies from current spending projects Also endowed with 100,000 euros, projects for the digitization of the Zaragoza markets or their stalls may be presented, promoting digital support tools, the formation of digital channels, the implementation of technological pilot tests, the development of online commerce or the creation of data processes. for messages in social networks, mobile signs.

Also here you can present proposals for the promotion of the auctions, revitalization projects with activities open to gastronomy, culture, education with the aim of favoring the relationship with clients, neighbors or neighborhood associations. In this line, it will be possible to generate proposals that have to do with the opening of empty stalls in the markets.

The deadline for submitting applications will be 20 business days from the day after publication in the Official Gazette of the Province of Zaragoza. The presentation of all the documentation will be through the electronic headquarters: To request information on the procedure for accessing the subsidies of this call, those interested may contact the Markets and Trade Promotion Servicetelephone 976723988, located at calle Albareda, nº 4, 5th floor of Zaragoza.

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