Can trans men menstruate?

by time news

2023-05-23 14:16:14

In recent years, the number of transgender people has been increasing, which is why it is important to know about their changes and their body in order to have a respectful coexistence. We will tell you if it is true that can trans men menstruate.

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What does it mean to be a trans man?

The Preventive Science Unit of the University of San Francisco California defines transgender (or trans) men as people who were assigned the “female” sex at birth but who have a masculine gender expression or identity.

There are many ways to express yourself as a trans man, there are those who feel more comfortable saying they are men, not trans men, and there are those who don’t care and consider themselves trans men.

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What changes does a trans man have?

These changes depend on the decision of each trans man, but Mayo Clinic reports that masculinizing hormone therapy is used in transgender men and non-binary people to bring about the physical and hormonal changes that occur in male puberty.

The purpose of this therapy is to make the person feel happy with their body and to be able to express their gender identity calmly through the consumption of testosterone that causes changes such as:

  • Distribution of fat in the abdomen and not in the hips
  • hair growth
  • Acne
  • Oily skin
  • vaginal dryness
  • Increase in the size of the clitoris
  • Increased libido
  • Deepening of the voice
  • The size of the breasts decreases or becomes softer

It is also important to mention that people who consume testosterone for their masculinizing treatment, their menstruation stops completely.

Therefore, although there is doubt as to whether can trans men menstruatethe answer is that if the trans man does not take hormones, he will menstruate normally, while if the trans man decides to undergo masculinizing hormone therapy, he will most likely stop menstruating altogether.

These are just some of the changes the body undergoes when a trans man begins to transition from female to male.

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What risks do trans men have?

The risks or complications of the physical changes that trans men have are:

  • Weight gain
  • Acne
  • development of baldness
  • cholesterol increase
  • High blood pressure
  • Overproduction of red blood cells
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • blood clots
  • infertility
  • vaginal dryness
  • Clitoral discomfort
  • Pelvic pain

It is important that you know that the same symptoms will not appear in all cases and that they will depend on the health and genetic status of the person.

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What operation do trans men have?

In accordance with Mayo ClinicAlthough it is not in all cases, some trans men decide to undergo one or more surgeries that help them with their sexual life or to affirm their masculine bodies, these surgeries are:

  • Metoidioplasty: It is a surgical intervention to increase the length of the clitoris. It results in a penis with a length between 3 and 8 cm and allows the trans man to reach orgasm and have sensitivity.
  • Phalloplasty: A procedure in which tissue is removed from another area of ​​the body to form a penis on top of the clitoris; this procedure results in a reconstructed penis but it cannot be erected, so the person will require a penile implant to achieve an erection.

Those are the two surgeries or operations that trans men decide to undergo to feel better about themselves.

Now that you know if can trans men menstruatewe remind you that, regardless of each person’s decisions, it is everyone’s duty to respect and demand the same respect in return.

If you have an acquaintance or acquaintance who is going through a transition process, do not forget to ask them in a respectful way how they prefer that you refer to that person.

Regarding sexual life and changes in people, we share a video on how you can detect if you have a sexually transmitted disease.

#trans #men #menstruate

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