Germany: Documents allowing the child to travel independently

by time news

Your child has grown up and you decided to send him to his grandmother in Russia on your own. We phoned the airline, clarified that from the age of 12, a child can travel unaccompanied by adults, but in order to cross the border, he needs to have additional documents in addition to a foreign passport.

For departure from Russia at the airport, the border guard will ask a child traveling independently to show the document “Consent to the departure of the child”, which, upon registration, both parents sign in the presence of the consul of the notary department at the Russian consulate.

This document contains the data of parents, child, travel dates. To draw up this document, it is necessary to submit to the notary department the originals of passports, the original or a certified copy of the child’s birth certificate, for guardians – the original document confirming the powers of the guardian.

If your child has dual citizenship, you should take care of the same document for German border guards, issued by German officials.

Correctly executed documents in advance are a guarantee that your child will make his first independent journey without stress and unnecessary hassle.

The MK Services service bureau will help you to prepare documents for the Russian consulate, our phone number is 069 9999 8096 (also WhatsApp). Call us, we will be glad to receive your call!

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