How do you know if someone is using inhalants?

by time news

2023-05-23 18:54:54

Paying attention to the signs can make the difference between a problem that can be solved and a serious situation, that’s why we tell you how to tell if someone is using inhalants.

During the presidential conference on May 23, 2023, the Undersecretary of Health Hugo López-Gatell reported on the dangers of using this type of drug.

As part of the national strategy to prevent drug use, López-Gatell emphasized that the use of solvents has become popular thanks to the ease with which these products are obtained, which can even be at home.

That is why we tell you how you can identify that someone in your home may be in danger due to this type of substance abuse.

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How to recognize a person who uses inhalants?

According to United States National Institute on Drug Abusethere are several signs that reveal a person who consumes inhalants:

  • Chemical odors on your breath or clothing
  • Stains of paint or other substances on the face, clothing, or hands
  • Concealed objects such as empty solvent or paint cans, rags, burlap, or clothing with strong odors in hard-to-reach places
  • Appearance similar to drunkenness
  • Disorientation
  • difficulty speaking
  • Lack of appetite
  • nausea
  • Lack of attention
  • coordination failures
  • Irritability

As you can see, to detect these signs it is not enough that the person’s smell is strong of solvent.

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How does it feel to inhale thinner?

The popularity of the use of this type of drugs is due to the effects they have on the human body. According to National Institute on Drug Abuse of the United Statesinhaling thinner or any other inhalant drug generates the following:

When these drugs are used, you initially feel a quick euphoria similar to when alcohol begins to take effect in people, after this, you can feel drowsy, lightheaded, disinhibited, and lightheaded. Similar to the state of alcoholization.

In addition, when sufficient amounts are inhaled, these drugs can produce a state of anesthesia and induce unconsciousness, which is why they are so consumed by people from vulnerable sectors, as it relieves pain and basic needs such as hunger.

On the other hand, inhaling substances in high doses can cause confusion and delirium, drowsiness, dizziness, slurred speech, lethargy, muscle weakness, lack of reflexes, among others.

Photo: iStock

What are inhalant drugs?

Various products that can be easily purchased such as spray paints, markers, glues, cleaning fluids, hairspray, carpentry supplies, etc. are known as inhalant drugs.

Remember that one of the important parts for know if someone uses inhalants is to look at the products you buy and the garbage in your home or space.

Photo: iStock

What are the effects of inhalant drugs?

The effects or damage to health generated by inhalant drugs can be the following:

  • Damage to the liver and/or kidneys
  • Hearing loss
  • Bone marrow damage
  • Spasms in the extremities due to neurological damage
  • loss of coordination
  • Delayed behavioral development
  • Brain damage

In some cases there have been overdoses of inhalants that have symptoms of seizures, coma and cardiac arrest, causing death.

Now that we tell you how to tell if someone is using inhalantsyou must be aware of the signs and seek help in case you recognize a person who is or may be in danger from these substances.

If you want to know more about why we have drug addictions, we recommend that you watch this video.


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