possible new way to prevent and treat asthma

by time news

2023-05-23 22:00:12

  • According to the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) there are around 15 million people with asthma in Mexico.
  • Patients who do not receive proper treatment may experience sleep disturbances, tiredness during the day, and concentration problems.
  • Recent studies affirm that there is a greater risk of developing asthma when in the first years of life there is a reduction in the diversity of the intestinal microbiota.

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that has no cure but can be treated and one of the most recent treatments proposes the intestinal microbiota. Until recently it was thought that environmental factors, hypersensitivity to allergens or tobacco smoke influenced its development. Now it is known that there are other aspects that intervene and for the same reason there are new ways of approaching its origin.

Relationship between asthma and gut microbiota

In recent years, the study of the microbiota and its relationship with the health and disease of people became relevant. What is known about its role in the development of the immune system has led researchers to wonder if this set of microorganisms is the answer to the prevention and treatment of asthma.

Studies indicate that there is a greater risk of developing asthma when in the first years of life there is a reduction in the diversity of the microbiota intestinal, also known as dysbiosis. It is caused, among other factors, by the use of antibiotics between the time of birth and until shortly before the onset of adolescence.

Evidence also points to the fact that microorganisms that inhabit the lungs influence the severity of airway obstruction in people with asthma, as well as the positive response to treatment with some inhaled medications, derived from the fact that people with asthma this condition have a significantly different microbiota from those who do not suffer from it.

There is also talk of the composition of the nasal microbiota -whose evidence, although limited- is associated with the severity of asthmatic attacks or crises. In addition to suggesting that the alteration of the composition of the microorganisms that live in the nose, caused by the use of antibiotics in children under one year of age, could explain the appearance of childhood asthma before the age of 7 years.

There is currently no cure for asthma, so treatments focus on limiting attacks or crises and reducing inflammation of the airways. Regarding the microbiota, according to information from the Biocodex Microbiota Institute, studies indicate that modulating it could help prevent it, thanks to the use of probiotics and prebiotics.

asthma treatment

For now, as this new type of treatment arrives, it is important to maintain all the care that people with asthma require. According to the World Health Organization (WHO)those who do not receive adequate treatment can suffer from sleep disorders, tiredness during the day and concentration problems.

Being a disease that causes absenteeism at work and school, in addition to hospitalization expenses in serious cases, it generates both economic and social repercussions for the family and health systems.

Also read:

The 6 types of microbiota that exist and their impact on health

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#prevent #treat #asthma

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