Uruguay: The fight is for Trial and Punishment

by time news

2023-05-22 15:14:19

May 20 is already an emblematic date for hundreds of thousands of Uruguayans who are willing to continue raising the banners of struggle for Human Rights of yesterday and also of the present. Within the framework of the Condor Plan, which devastated our Latin America with cruel dictatorships in the 1970s, the claws of the dictatorship of our country extended to Argentina, where thousands of Uruguayans sought refuge in the early years and found themselves forced to live in exile.

By IST – Uruguay

The military dictatorship established after the coup d’état carried out by Juan Ma. Bordaberry and the military leadership in June 1973 viciously assassinated in Buenos Aires the parliamentarians Zelmar Michellini and Héctor Gutiérrez Ruiz, the militants Rosario Barredo and William Whitelock, together with with the disappearance of Manuel Liberoff. On May 20, 1996, twenty years after the brutal murders, Mothers and Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared and other organizations made a public call for the first march, stating: “… The tribute to the victims cannot be other than the recognition through the truth of the facts, the recovery of memory and the demand that torture, executions and the forced disappearance of people never exist in Uruguay again…” Truth, Memory, Justice, Trial and Punishment. These words gained special meaning in those years and have been passed down from generation to generation.

Year after year, the march increases in the number of demonstrators, organized by unions or cooperatives, study centers or neighborhoods. But it has also reached all corners of the country and in recent years, the march has multiplied in many cities and towns in the country, even taking place in various cities abroad (Argentina, Chile, Spain). This democratic struggle is deeply rooted in workers, women and students as in all human rights defenders.

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It could not be stopped either by the pandemic or by the covid. As those who – from different white, red and even Broad Front governments – have made repeated attempts to “turn the page” and “put an end to it” through a shameful negotiation, with the complicity of the church, Justice and the Parlament. On the contrary, the difficult health situation encouraged thousands of militants to be creative and multiply their efforts to keep the fight going. In person or virtually, the daisies flooded our country from north to south. The posters with questions and complaints multiplied, like those of last year: “Where are they?? The truth is still kidnapped, it is the responsibility of the state!!”

In recent years, hundreds of thousands have participated in the marches, exceeding the most optimistic expectations. A strong demonstration of the willingness to fight that exists among “those below.” Enough of impunity! The fight continues!! Thus, in recent years, the struggle for human rights has gained new momentum. It was a clear signal for the right-wing government of Lacalle Pou and its multicolored partners and especially for the ultra-right military party Cabildo Abierto, the “nostalgic for the dictatorship”, that the fight against silence and impunity for torturers and rapists it is not negotiated.

On the contrary, it is essential to continue the fight to shed light and punish the crimes of the past, thus forcing the government, the parliament and the Justice to fulfill the tasks still pending. Our fight has to break the complicit silence of the military and civilians who are still free or in house arrest.

For a new massive march!! ● Let’s go back to the streets to continue demanding what happened to the disappeared and where they are!! ● Trial and punishment in common jails for all torturers and rapists!! Not one more privilege for them!! ● That all the files of the dictatorship be opened and declassified!!

That – in the face of the outrageous behavior of the Justice that consciously delays and puts all kinds of obstacles – a People’s Court is formed, made up of organizations and fighters for human rights, by labor and neighborhood organizations. We must speed up the processes and open causes. It is becoming increasingly clear that this capitalist system is rooted in impunity and corruption. There are plenty of examples from these last months. For this reason, we not only have to continue this fight for human and democratic rights at all levels. We have to understand that she is part of the fight for a radical change in our society, in order to build a society without exploiters or exploiters, a socialist society.

Taken from: ist.uy 18/05/2023

#Uruguay #fight #Trial #Punishment

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