LOST: The phenomenon that changed television

by time news

2023-05-24 11:06:29

13 years ago today, Lost ended, the series that changed everything. He was a fan phenomenon that generated theories, mysteries and speculations, and who knew how to create an immersion in the plot through the soundtrack and sound design. Despite its ups and downs, the series left its mark and changed the way television series are made.

I await your comments in the Telegram community:



Good morning, Tuesday May 23, 2023 and today I am going to tell you something that happened to me

last night, well it happened to me in quotes, but before I update the party of

yesterday’s birthday, well the pique had a great time, she has been asking for a long time

a trampoline, he sees it in pictures, he sees it around and wants to use the trampoline sofa and

look, yesterday it was time to try it and enjoy it and he was jumping on the

trampoline except when it was time to eat, when it was time to eat there

sorry. The party was in one of these places that you rent that has a kind of climbing wall with a

with a mat below, a detail of the mat, then an area with balls, well that’s typical

you can go through narrower, wider places in these cages, which are there with a net to

that they don’t take the balls out and don’t get out of there, but hey, in the end they do everything they shouldn’t,

especially the smaller ones. Even when it came time to give the gift to the birthday boy,

Daniela was jumping and she asked me and she says but then I go back to the mat, her

My concern was how long I was going to be able to play there and jump. yes it’s true that

well, there were older kids, less kids who were friends with the older brother of the birthday,

who is Anila’s age, she was turning three years old and well, you know, when they are eight years old or so

They are already more junk, all the time screaming, jumping on the camera is that important and someone from

15 years old or 3 legal or the same, but hey, when someone bothered her, she cried like

attracting attention and but otherwise he had a wonderful time and then we are in Murcia in

the yellow alert and for some nearby areas such as chestnuts in the orange alert for rain and so on

The first thing is if you are going to go out with the car, be careful if you are going to go out with the motorcycle then think about it

both times. And what happens is that I am doing VTC again this week. I’m watching to see

how to do the procedure to change the license plate and put it instead of blue white,

which is what the VTCs have to carry here. So today I have already done private driver,

I’ve already gotten wet and this afternoon we’ll see how things are. We have already been told by the company that yes

there are problems with transportation, that safety comes first. So if it were the thing more than

It’s been raining since five in the morning, I’m recording half past nine in the morning,

Well, if it continues to rain so much, there may be security problems to get around, well, if that

It will happen that we do not do it, that we do not stay at home. I’ll tell you tomorrow. And let’s go with what I

It happened tonight, it happened to me, I lived it, well the fact is that I dreamed it, that I wanted

tell you. I don’t know where we were, Natalia and I were in some kind of show,

It wasn’t a theater, but it was a show. Don’t ask me the details, it’s not relevant

of history, so I don’t even know. The fact is that we were like on a roof for

the center of Murcia, although it is not the Murcia that exists in this plane of reality, it is another Murcia

different. And we were on the roof and all of a sudden I look up and I see a plane, a plane of

passengers, I don’t know a 747, something like that, not very big, not very small, a 737. And the funny thing is that

it was, well see if it’s modern or what’s going on in my head, it was decorated with stickers of

Terminator 2, the fact is that the plane had a good one, this is a dream, I don’t know what corresponds

Physics, neither the sizes, nor the distance, nor anything, but well in this you have to continue with me,

It was like from the rear half of the plane had a liana hanging from a cable, I don’t know

something like that the case is that due to the movements of the plane due to the inertia through the air for what

be at some point that is aliana let’s say liana yes because no it didn’t look like something metallic

It seemed like something more biological, a liana, that liana, because from the sway it hits the plane and that

you can hear it I hear it and what happens you can’t see anything on the plane but you can see how one is doing

descending trajectory the plane was not very high by the way it starts to make a trajectory

turning to the right while the height is lowering while the height is lowering the height until

that is lost behind a building that is, well, what do I know, more or less 400 300 meters away, well

Behind that building the plane is lost very close to the ground and we experience a ball of fire coming out.

A huge ball of fire, well the plane has crashed. By the time it crashes,

Well, for some reason I don’t know what it will be because the plane crashed quite a distance away

where we are, because we begin the descent evacuating and we go down some stairs that are stuck

to the façade of the building in which we are, which I already told you is not recognized as something that is

corresponds to reality here in Murcia, at least I have not been the same, I am seeing things

They exist and I am not aware of them. The fact is that we are going down and while

We continue to go down as we go down because the fire that is just there is more noticeable, let’s say outside of that

building, which is something that does not make sense, but it will be to give it drama, it does not make sense because

As I say, the plane has crashed far away, but I don’t know if this runs like wildfire and

the whole city is burning but as in all dreams these situations are always logical

until you wake up you will never question why this is happening or nothing sometimes happens but

It is in this case it did not happen to me it was all super logical the case that we were going down floors and floors

until there comes a time when we reach the street, we go out and the building, well, imagine that

scene from these movies that the house is burning and they are looking towards the building, towards the house

with a blanket around your shoulders so you don’t stop tempering yourself while you see how the fire

He continues to do his job because the scene was like that I was with Natalia but I really built her

where we were looking nothing was happening it had been something else emergency it’s not the fire that

that you could see through the pentana, that one that gave drama to the scene, I don’t know where it was there at that time

At that moment I didn’t see anything, we were on the street and there was no fire anywhere.

And how does the… well, that movie ends, the dream ends, or that is the last thing I remember

Me, telling Natalia, I already have a topic for tomorrow’s podcast. And I’ve already told you

how about? I dream about them, I try to think about it a few times, to decide this today because it is happening,

and I finished all two, it was a success, it didn’t crash at any time, no, I don’t do all those things

I do if there is an expert in the room listening to me, why can this be seen, what can it be due to.

The closest thing I can tell you about this is, I think I already told you here, no, I don’t remember anymore,

when we were traveling that night someone was smoking in the hotel room

and then the alarms went off when the pike was making hermit and we had to go down

the stairs more or less with the same camera shot that I have been seeing tonight in that dream.

That is the only thing that occurs to me, the rest is quite peliculero. I’ve seen a series or something

in which there is a fire lately. No, I think the last thing I saw of that style was

Dissies Ash and it’s been a long time since. Well, the brain and its things, at least this

been more anecdotal, although a little tense. If you want one day we can talk about those dreams

I don’t know if you have ever had the ones that have happened to me, in which you have a dream that

It seems to you that they are years, in those years well someone dies and you wake up, it has happened to me,

I insist, I wake up as if there had been that life with that burden, with that loss on top and

for a few days I’m annoyed. Luckily it happens to me very little but it has happened to me quite a lot more times

of which I would like. What do you think about the story? Clearly, because as it ended, I had to tell him

and now I await your comments, your theories and just tell you that I don’t know if there will be episode 2. This

It is clearly the pilot, but I don’t know if it will be repeated. And nothing more, that you have a very good Tuesday,

Be very careful if you are in the southeast of Spain and you have to leave home and we will hear each other tomorrow.



#LOST #phenomenon #changed #television

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