Marinomed CEO shares promising results for Carragelose against cold, flu, and COVID-19 strains in interview with

by time news

2023-05-24 12:02:18

05/24/2023, 1467 characters

Marinomed-CEO Andreas Grassauer im to carragelose: “Carragelose shortens the duration of the cold, cough, hoarseness condition or does not allow the disease at all if already used prophylactically. The product can be taken to prevent the flu from spreading. And the product also works against all 5 corona virus strains. It makes sense for all people for whom a cold has a negative impact on their professional performance, such as radio announcers, singers, etc. The cold should not be underestimated even in summer. In the summer, the common cold migrates to the southern hemisphere and comes to us before travelers. And in September school starts for us and then the cold is back.”
Next carragelose steps:In Mexico we are close to approvalin Brazil the approval may take a while, from Japan, which is as big as the German-speaking area, some companies have contacted us.”
To the further pipeline: At Budesolv (allergy product) we are actively looking for further partners. In China, we have already received one and one $2 million upfront payment with Luoxin. We expect to sign additional partnerships over the next 6 to 12 months. At Tacrosolv, which are eye drops, we are in the process of licensing the product.

(The input from boersen for the May 24th)


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Stocks on the radar:Warimpex, Porn, Rosenbauer, Austriacard Holdings AG, Frequent, Pierer Mobility, OMV, Marinomed Biotech, CA Yes, AMS, Wienerberger, DO&CO, Addico Bank, Hutter & Schrantz, Vienna Airport, mold, EVN, Immofinanz, Mayr-Melnhof, SBO, Strabag, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG, MTU Aero Engines, Vonovia SE, Deutsche Bank, BMW, Porsche Automobile Holding, Munich Re, E.ON .

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