‘Vitafer’: does it really help against erectile dysfunction? We tell you how safe it is – Health

by time news

2023-05-24 14:58:46

In recent days, some videos have gone viral on social networks in which they speak wonders about a product that would “help” men to achieve lasting erections during sex.

However, it is worth checking how safe and effective ‘Vitafer’, which is marketed as a ‘multivitamin supplement’, can be.

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The promotion of this supposed sexual enhancer is being done through the multivitamin figure.

According to the videos posted on TikTok and other platforms, this product would work as a “supplement” that helps people recharge their energy and vitality.

Some websites of health food stores also offer it as a “nutritional supplement based on extracts of fruits, plants and amino acids”.

In addition, those who would be marketing this product assure that it contains iron sulfate; vitamins B1, 2, 3 and 6; ginseng (Chinese medicinal plant) and even folic acid.

Nevertheless, what they never show is an Invima registration that endorses the commercialization or, even, the approval of the use of this product as a supplement or multivitamin, and much less as a “sexual enhancer”.

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In fact, the National Institute for Food and Drug Surveillance (Invima) has emphasized on several occasions the danger of using this type of “magic solutions.”

“The purpose of a dietary supplement is to add nutrients to the normal diet of a healthy person and properties such as curing erectile dysfunction or enhancing sexuality cannot be attributed to it (…) the so-called “sexual enhancers” are considered fraudulent, because when they are marketed as dietary supplements they put health at risk“, reads a statement from Invima.

Thus, the health authorities have made it clear that these types of products “are considered a health risk” and should not be ingested to avoid complications and adverse effects.

In this line, during a control day of the Cartagena District Administrative Department of Health, Dadis, in 2018, the entity seized several “fraudulent aphrodisiacs”, including ‘Vitafer’.

This was reported at the time by Gustavo Orozco Lorduy, leader of the Dadis Food and Drug Surveillance and Control Inspection Program.

In this sense, it should be remembered that just because these products claim to be 100% natural and have many benefits does not mean that their consumption is safe or regulated.

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Also, remember that erectile dysfunction has many possible causes and not all of them are physical, so it is advisable to consult a specialist instead of putting your health at risk with these “sexual enhancers”.


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