The advice of allergists to prevent the appearance of food allergies

by time news

2023-05-24 15:55:38

The group of allergic diseases that has increased the most in recent years is that of foods. The reason? “Probably because the ones we are consuming now, more processed, for some reason make our immune system more reactive or the microbiota is affected,” commented Dr. Pedro Ojeda, member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (Seaic), in a recent ABC report on the increase in allergies.

The most common in the infant stage are at the lechehe egghe fishlos dry fruitss and the fruits.

To prevent its appearance, the pediatric allergists of the Spanish Society of Pediatric Immunotherapy and Allergy (Seicap) recommend the early introduction of food in children between 4 and 6 months of life. Food consumption at this age, especially in children with moderate atopic dermatitis, prevents food allergy, according to a study published in ‘The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology’.

«The recommendation we make is the early introduction of food, between 4-6 months ground into creams or milk. Also, it is important to give frequent shots“Once you start eating a new food in your diet, don’t take it occasionally” says Dr. Laura Valdesoiro Navarrete, coordinator of the Seicap Food Allergy Working Group.

Some types of food allergies, such as to milk and eggs, are often overcome spontaneously, but if this tolerance is not reached, oral immunotherapy is evaluated, which consists of the administration of increasing doses of the food involved until reaching the highest tolerated dose or that represents the usual ration for the age. And always in a hospital and with close monitoring by the allergist.

Dr. Valdesoiro highlights that oral immunotherapy with food (ITO) “is a treatment option that is performed in patients with food allergies with which an attempt is made to modify the immune system response of the body against those foods to which the patient is allergic. »Their goal is to prevent allergic reaction, especially anaphylaxis, after exposure to the food that causes the allergy. This treatment is carried out in specialized units in regular practice, in children with allergies to milk and eggs”, explains the doctor.

Some Spanish allergist pediatric units are already starting oral immunotherapy protocols for other foods such as nuts, cereals and even fish.

«We hope that the extensive experience in oral immunotherapy to milk, egg and LTP (peach) of pediatric allergists, as well as the data on oral immunotherapy to peanuts in the Anglo-Saxon world, serve as a basis for obtaining treatment for the most consumed foods in our country« , says the coordinator of the Seicap Food Allergies Working Group.

He wheat, one of the five most common food allergens, represents a significant challenge. The experts at the round table ‘Oral immunotherapy for food: advancing beyond milk and eggs’ at the XLVII SEICAP Congress, recently held in Palma de Mallorca, underlined that, although it is a less frequent phenomenon than allergy to milk or eggs , are increasingly prevalent. «Wheat allergy should not be confused with celiac disease.. A food allergy is an adverse and rapid reaction caused by contact with a food during which there are demonstrable immunological mechanisms”, warns Dr. Valdesoiro.

The child who is diagnosed with a food allergy must always carry the adrenaline autoinjector to use it in case of suspicion of suffering from anaphylaxis. Experts have explained that the autoinjector can be used through clothing in an emergency. It should be applied on the outside of the thigh. If the child is very small, you have to hold him very well to prevent him from moving.

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