the study center of the Pro Loco Italia Foundation is now underway, it will deal with research, interventions and surveys

by time news

2023-05-17 16:01:00

A tool for the protection, promotion and cultural and social enhancement capable of operating both nationally and locally, this is the mission of the Study Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Pro Loco Italia Foundation, presented this afternoon in the Senate.

The Study Center will carry out its activities by carrying out research on the themes of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (with reference to the 2003 Unesco Convention); interventions for the valorisation and promotion of the territory (capable of arousing awareness of the importance of intangible cultural heritage as a founding element of identity of the communities); among the other planned interventions: the estimate of the social and economic impacts generated on the territory by the work of the activities in the cultural sphere.

“The study center aims to be a great point of reference for the whole world of intangible cultural heritage, to identify strategies that allow for adequate protection and enhancement. In this sense, we are working on the definition of the scientific committee of the Foundation, which will include industry experts and university professors. The study center will also take care of the training of Pro Loco volunteers so that they assume greater awareness of the great role of guardians of cultural heritage at the local level and in the very important function of transmitting local traditions and identities” said Antonino La Spina, president of the Pro Loco Foundation Loco Italy.

“Today in the Senate we presented the Study Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage. Italy is the country of 1000 hidden treasures. We need a national plan to safeguard this immense heritage, to enhance and promote the traditions and identities of our territories , survey them and make them known both nationally and internationally. The Pro Loco are rooted in the territories with more than 6000 associations and millions of volunteers: who better than them can survey this great heritage?” underlined Senator Antonio De Poli.

The Centro Studi will communicate the results of its activity to its members, to the single Pro Loco, to policy makers and to the public opinion, through a wide and diversified network of channels.

At the presentation, hosted in the afternoon in the “Fallen of Nassirya” hall, on the initiative of sen. De Poli, attended by Fernando Tomasello (Vice-President of Unpli), Mariassunta Peci (Ministry of Culture), Sandro Pappalardo (Member of the Board of Directors of Enit), Leandro Ventura (Director of the Central Institute for Intangible Heritage), Vincenzo Santoro (Head of Culture and Tourism Anci) , Giorgio De Rita (Director of Censis) and Claudio Mattia Serafin (Adviser to the Minister of Tourism). The proceedings were moderated by Giorgio Santilli (journalist for Il Sole 24 ore).

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