The deputy as leader of the truth

by time news

2023-05-23 16:14:49

Fidel Castro’s conception of the Cuban deputy as a political leader who cannot forget the municipality or district that elected him, centered the opening of the preparation day of the Second Extraordinary Session of the X Legislature of Parliament, in charge of its president, Esteban Lazo Hernández.

The leader of the Revolution considered that the deputy should not promise but always tell the truth, have the maximum of information and economic participation of his demarcation and awareness of what is happening in Cuba and in the world.

Taking into account the characteristics of the Cuban legislature, where up to 50 percent of its membership are constituency delegates and after the renewal of 64 percent of the parliamentary seats, Lazo stressed that the representatives of the people before the National Assembly must be prepared, informed and updated. “Self-preparation – he specified – is a permanent task for everyone”.

From this perspective, the also president of the Council of State pointed out the importance of first discussing the issues in the municipal assemblies before reaching the national level, to “resolve everything that is possible” with the support of the population.

Likewise, Lazo stressed as a priority the exercise of popular control without supplanting the role of the administrations and called for finding ways to generalize the good experiences in the economy of the territories and the management of the Government.

Lazo stressed that the representatives of the people before the National Assembly must be prepared, informed and updated. Photo: Omara Garcia / ACN

The official emphasized working, from the municipality, for the unity of action of the National Assembly in its constitutive, legislative and control nature, all of this supported by the collective direction with greater popular participation in decision-making as a guarantee of parliamentary improvement .

During the introduction, Lazo also explained that the Assembly holds two ordinary sessions a year whose strategic priorities are the most relevant issues of the population, the proposals of the permanent work commissions and municipal assemblies, as well as the legislative schedule.

Based on the leadership in this respect of the main authorities of the country, Lazo announced that, on this very day, the Council of State will analyze the systematization of the contact of the deputies with the voters whom they represent, with the purpose of promoting and systematizing the mechanisms of participation and control.

As part of the strategy for the improvement of the Popular Power system, the assembly leader included social communication as a support for greater exchange with the people and the prevention of crime, corruption and illegalities.

Prior to the Second Extraordinary Session on May 25, the deputies receive, on Tuesday and Wednesday, training on issues inherent to their work that includes the institutional organization of the State and the general aspects of the Constitution of the Republic, the Law Organization and operation of the National Assembly of People’s Power and the Council of State and legislative technique.

In addition, they will deepen the relations of the deputies with the auxiliary offices of the National Assembly, the proposals of agreement on the link of the parliamentarians with the territories where they were elected, the proposals of the voters to their delegates and integrated community work.

An exhibition is planned on the work of the permanent commissions and social communication as a pillar of Popular Power.

#deputy #leader #truth

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