Eight of the most common (and funniest) mistakes German learners make

by time news

2023-05-25 14:58:02

Let’s face it, German is not an easy language to master. Most of us who have made Germany our home and managed to get to grips with the language have unwittingly made fools of ourselves along the way by making ridiculous-sounding errors to native speakers.

Here are some of the best mistakes I have heard, been told of and made myself.

i want i will

Another common pitfall for native English speakers, is using the word will instead of werde thanks to the false friend (false friend) that is will.

READ ALSO: The 10 false friends English and German speakers keep muddling up

In German, I want means “I want”, whereas I shall means “I am going to”. This mix up can lead to a lot of confusion, especially when it comes to making plans.

The only tip I can give is to try to think of the word will in German meaning “I have the will”

Tap water or tap water?

Asking for tap water can be a bit awkward at the best of times, so it doesn’t help if you throw a confusing mispronunciation into the mix.

The German word for tap water is tap water meaning water from the Management (pipeline). If you insert an “s” into the word, you are creating a brand-new German word, which translates into English as “performance water.”

It may not be correct but it could certainly be a great name for an energy drink, right?

Trying to speak German can be thirsty work. Photo: DPA

I’m hot

For native English speakers, this is a mistake which comes naturally, as it is a literal translation of how we would say “I am hot.”

If you say this to a German, however, you may find the conversation taking a risqué turn, as you will have in fact told them that you’re horny.

Hot is however, one of the adjectives which are used with the dative mir (others examples are “called – “cold”, boring – “boring”, awkward – “embarrassing”).

So make sure you say I’m hot instead.

Cared for or worried?

This is a tricky one which I have seen trip up many competent German language-speakers, much to the hilarity of the natives.

The problem is, that in the infinitive, the verbs take care of and obtain have very similar meanings: obtain is to obtain, or to provide, take care of is to provide for, to tend to.

But the past participle is a different story, if you want to say “I am well taken care of/I have everything I need” the correct word is provided. If you choose concerned then you are saying “I am worried”.

An example of how this mistake typically arises in an exchange like this:

“Have you got everything you need?”

Do you have everything you need?

“Yes, I’m concerned, thanks.”

Yes, I’m worried, thank you.

Don’t ask for financial advice in a bike shop. Photo: DPA

flat tire?

If you turn up to your local bicycle repair shop and declare “my tire is flat”as a friend of mine once did, expect confusion. What you will be telling them is that your wheel is bankrupt.

What you need to say is “I have a flat tire” – using the word platt meaning “flat”, as most bike shops won’t be able to help you with matters of financial insolvency.

sultry or gay

Watch out for this one. A failure to pronounce your ü umlaut correctly will have you calling weather homosexual (gay) when you want to say it’s humid (humid).

READ ALSO: Funniest mistakes that Germans make in English

Relaxed or excited

This is another case where two German words with the same Stamm (stem) alter the meaning of the word significantly.

A common phrase in German is “I am excited”which is a way of saying “I’m curious” or “I’m looking forward to it”. This is a common and polite way to round off a conversation about a planned date or announcement.

However, if you say instead “I am relaxed” (relaxed) it may sound like you’re not that interested.

Mixing up trays and tablets can become a problem. Photo: DPA

tablets, trays

Another friend of mine, whilst working as a waiter, once loudly asked a colleague in a packed restaurant:

“Where are the pills?”

The German customers must have thought that he was suffering from a bad headache.

What he meant however, was to ask where the trays were. These words are almost identical – a tablet or pill in German is the pill and the plural is the tablets. A tray, on the other hand, is das Tablets (plural die Tablets). Oops.

#common #funniest #mistakes #German #learners

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