GEO podcast “Chain Reaction” with Dirk Steffens

by time news

2023-05-25 14:36:00

GEO Podcast “Chain Reaction”
How wolves save the climate and more: The new GEO podcast with Dirk Steffens


The world of science is amazing. And sometimes a chain of causes can lead to major, global consequences. Dirk Steffens makes these connections understandable in his podcast “Chain Reaction”.

Have you always wanted to know how a couple of wolves replant a damaged forest? Or do you know what the pork sausage has to do with the Amazon and the flood disaster in the Ahr valley? Why does our stinginess destroy the foundation of life, our soil? Then listen to the new GEO podcast.

GEO podcast “Chain Reaction”: Understanding the world of science

The GEO Podcast “Chain Reaction” by and with Dirk Steffens makes amazing scientific connections understandable. They make it clear why a chain of causes and events often leads to major, sometimes global, consequences. “Chain reaction” – because everything is connected to everything else.

The first two episodes “How the wolf repairs the forest” and “When the Thwaites Glacier melts” were released on May 17th on RTL+ Musik. The third episode “Walkacke for Future” has been available since May 24th. You can now listen to the first two episodes on all other podcast platforms.

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