fraud, kidnapping, abuse and beatings

by time news

2023-05-25 22:37:35

The final stretch of the campaign is marked by the incessant trickle of complaints for possible fraud in voting by mail; and events such as outrages, assaults, kidnappings, and all are related to politics. In the case of irregularities, the cases are already spreading and there are news, beyond the plots that are being investigated in Mojácar (Almería) and Melilla. The scandal is also increasing the accusations crossed between the PP and the PSOE.

On the one hand, in Mojácar seven people were arrested for their alleged involvement in an alleged vote-buying plot for the municipal elections on May 28. The plot allegedly offered 100 euros for each ballot in favor of the PSOE mainly foreigners. Some have already been released, and his number 1, to whom the scandal could complicate his future, Manuel Zamora assures that he did not know anything and that he is “surprised”. Even so, he appeals “to the presumption of innocence”: “They go on my list because I trust them.”

More forceful other voices within the PSOE. Guillermo Fernández Vara, president of the Junta de Extremadura, has assured that this “is a piece of crap that is part of very specific events”: “The Penal Code must be applied to them.” “Specific facts,” says Vara, although the PP is trying to mix everything up, even involving Pedro Sánchez with arguments such as that “summer in Mojácar“.

In the other case, that of Melilla, its popular candidate does not rule out challenging the results that come out of the polls. Juan José Imbroda, PP candidate for the presidency of Melilla, has assured that he does not know how the case will end: “It is very distorted, 21%, 33% is outrageous. Furthermore, he believes that it is essential to change the electoral law.

However, there are smaller municipalities that came to light between this Wednesday and Thursday. In Villalba del Alcor, in Huelva, the PSOE has denounced that the PP is supplanting the digital signature of the residents. They deny it: “The only thing we have done is help the neighbors to request the vote”, the popular ones are justified. But according to, they denounce, the Socialists have votes that have reached suspicious houses: “Correos has informed the JEC that there are 26 requests at an address linked to a PP councilor and another 21 requests also linked to a former PP councilor” .

Also in Casares de las Hurdes, in Cáceres, there is a complaint before the Socialist Prosecutor’s Office against the PP. They accuse Miguel Ángel Domínguez Duarte, the deputy mayor, of coercing and stealing the vote by mail from two people.

And in Mazarrón, Murcia, the Unión Independiente de Mazarrón has denounced number 12 on the popular list for an audio where it says: “Let’s see youngsters, I need, I need, your support and your vote. Pass me a photo of the ID or come here for a moment and we request a vote by mail”. The complainant party affirms that it wanted to make sure that those votes were for the PP and they have requested its immediate dismissal. Two socialists are being investigated in Albudeite, Murcia, after the city council candidate and 12 other people were arrested. All of them released after declaring in the operation for alleged purchase of votes by mail in exchange for money.

Events with politicians involved

A case of kidnapping with politicians involved, a premeditated hit-and-run or a beating from a councilor to a manager of a football club. The campaign of this Thursday, one day after the end of the electoral campaign, is very similar to a of events

On the one hand, there is the kidnapping in Marcena. Three months ago, this councilor from the Granada town of Maracena was kidnapped presumably by the ex-partner of the mayoress. Berta Linares has re-introduced herself, while her partner, the detainee, points to her as a collaborator in the kidnapping, together with her town planning councilor. Also to a third person who is higher up: number three of the Andalusian PSOE and regional deputy: Noel López. At the moment, none has been charged, but the judge has asked that the three testify before the Andalusian Superior Court of Justice. López denies any involvement in the kidnapping.

The second event isThe outrage in Pulianas between couples of politicians. The husband of a former popular candidate decided to run over and assault the couple of a PSOE position. The author is charged with attempted murder.

And the third event is an attack in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands). Here, a PSOE councilor assaulted the manager of a football club, with fracture included. He was arrested after this assault and has resigned from all charges against him. The candidate for mayor of the island capital, Patricia Hernández, has recognized that the behavior of her councilor was not exemplary.

#fraud #kidnapping #abuse #beatings

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