“Polyols: The Truth About This Common Sugar Substitute and Its Health Effects”

by time news

2023-05-25 12:46:11

A glass of cola zero, a sweetener in your coffee or a slice of sugar-free cake: these products all contain less sugar than the original thanks to sweetener. The sweetness, but not the sugar. That sounds ideal. But sweeteners are not nearly as harmless as they seem. They are just as addictive as sugar itself. Read along!

Polyols are one of the most commonly used sugar substitutes. This intensive sweetener is mainly found in processed products, so you can enjoy all kinds of sweets responsibly. Doesn’t that sound too good to be true? But how healthy are those polyols really?

What are Polyols?

Polyols are often used as a sugar substitute in products such as gingerbread, muesli bars, licorice or throat lozenges. They are carbohydrates whose structure resembles sugar. They can activate the sweet receptors on your tongue and provide a pleasant taste. That is why they are often used in products to make them sweeter. Sometimes even remove the sugars from the products to add polyols again later. Just look at the ingredient list of 0% sugar products.

Polyols are also referred to as extensive filler or bulk sweeteners. That is, they are made in such a way that they do not change the volume in, for example, a baking recipe. Suppose you want to bake a cake and replace the 150 grams of sugar with a sweetener. Then you actually need a sweetener so that the volume and structure of the cake remains the same. This can be done with filling or bulk sweeteners. But how healthy are they really?

Names for polyols

Polyols are naturally present in small amounts in various fruits and vegetables. But nowadays they are often imitated on a large scale. It is striking that you increasingly see the word ‘polyols’ appearing on packaging. Names of polyols are maltitol, isomalt and erythritol.

Fewer calories

It is thought that sweeteners contain no calories, but nothing could be further from the truth. Maltitol and isomalt are indeed full of calories (2.4 calories per gram), but less than regular sugar (4 calories per gram). There is one exception: erythritol is the only zero calorie polyol.

Rising blood sugar

That means that most polyols still cause a rise in your blood sugar. The idea that sweeteners are ‘healthy’ is therefore outdated. So it doesn’t solve the ‘problem’. Marketing creates a nice idea that you are working healthy if you go for the 0% sugar variant, but actually the choice you have made is still not healthy.

Why sweetener (with polyols) is not a good alternative to sugar

Of course not

Although polyols are naturally occurring, as the demand for sweeteners has skyrocketed recently, polyols today are mainly factory made. This means that many different (bad) substances are added to the product. In addition, processing can cause (part of) the nutrients present to be lost, such as dietary fibres, vitamins and minerals. That is why it is always better to add as many natural products to your diet as possible.


Sugar is digested in your small intestine and then enters your bloodstream to be used as energy. Polyols, on the other hand, have a different chemical structure and your body doesn’t absorb them as efficiently as a result. They are only converted in the large intestine by bacteria, which can cause gases. In addition, polyols attract water, so polyols can cause diarrhea and flatulence at higher intakes. In short: it has a laxative effect. Although this differs according to the Nutrition Center yes per person.

Clean appearance

Polyols trigger the taste buds, ensure that you still tend to sweet, so that you still (often) lose portion control. In addition, you eat a lot of products that are low in nutrients. A diet rich in sweeteners therefore maintains your sweet addiction. You continue to crave sugary products, since polyols have the same effect on you as sugars.

The conclusion? We always say: everything in moderation – including polyols. A little sweetener won’t hurt, but try to eat as many natural products as possible. These contain more vitamins, minerals and fiber. This makes you feel full for longer and you feel less urge to snack.

Curious about other types of sweetener? In this article, all types of sweetener pass by, so that you can make a better choice.

Bron: Healthline, Science Direct, Topfit Sugar free

#polyols #sweetener #sugar

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