“5 Common Reasons Why You Cannot Get Pregnant: Understanding Fertility Issues”

by time news

2023-05-25 12:23:50

rattling ovaries, baby fever and healthy nerves, if you’re trying to get pregnant you’ll know them all too well. But sometimes that pink baby cloud takes quite a long time to come. Is it really supposed to take that long, or is something wrong? And what are the reasons why you cannot get pregnant? There can be a lot of annoying questions floating around in your head if you’ve been at it for several months. Read below what may be the cause of your fertility problems and find out immediately when you should ring the bell.

What could be the cause of not getting pregnant?

Pregnancy is a magical and complex process, but fortunately the basic principles are simple. You have two main ingredients: a ripe egg from the mommy-to-be and a seed from the daddy-to-be. They need each other supreme moment meet, namely ovulation. The fertilized egg then has to roll from the fallopian tube to the uterus, where it implants itself in the wall. If you cannot get pregnant, there is a good chance that something will go wrong somewhere in this process.

1. Problems with the ovum

Ultimately, the first woman of fertilization, of course, the ovum. Ideally, one, and sometimes even two, mature each cycle. But well, our bodies don’t always follow the rules from the textbooks. Hormonal fluctuations are quickly responsible for an irregular cycle with skipped ovulation here and there. The result? Fewer chances per year to get pregnant. A few causes of hormonal fluctuations are stress, being underweight, excessive physical exertion, being overweight and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

It is also possible that the supply in your ovaries is drying up. Ultimately, this happens to every woman. The chance of this naturally increases the older you get. Afraid that this might be the case with you? Then a general practitioner or specialist can get an indication of your supply of eggs with an ultrasound and/or blood test.

2. Sperm problems

Your partner’s semen can also be a problem. For example, the sperm cells can be somewhat lazy swimmers or there can be too few sperm cells in the stuff per ejaculation. There may also be a blockage between the testicle and the launch station, preventing the sperm from getting off to a flying start. If this is the case with your partner, that is no reason to throw in the towel. Doctors have a lot of tricks in their arsenal to still deliver a beautiful baby.

3. Timing issues

But even with top-class sperm and a perfectly ripe ejtje things can sometimes go wrong. Those two have to bump into each other at the right time. You have the best chance of conception if you have sex around ovulation. But sometimes it can be quite difficult to pinpoint the exact date of your ovulation. Need help? Read here how you can find out when you are fertile.

4. Transportation problems

Diseases such as chlamydia and endometriosis can damage a woman’s fallopian tubes. And just like scars appear on your skin when damaged, they can also occur in your abdomen. In the case of adhesions in the uterus or fallopian tubes, fertilization can take place. It is only possible that the fertilized egg gets entangled in the scars on its way to the uterus. The danger is that you will then have to deal with an ectopic pregnancy. This can be life-threatening. Is there a chance that you are pregnant and suddenly get severe abdominal pain? Then immediately contact your GP or a GP post.

5. Bad luck

Ultimately, getting pregnant also remains a game of chance and there does not necessarily have to be a cause for your unfulfilled pregnancy wish. You can also just be unlucky with a number of cycles. In the case of persistent, unexplained fertility problems, it is still possible in some cases to start IVF treatment. The doctor often decides this on the basis of a probability calculation.

Knowing more? Then read everything you need to know about IVF treatment here.

Can you test if you are fertile?

There are also ways to reduce the chance of a breakdown. By having sex around your fertile period, a sperm cell runs into a ripe egg faster. For this it is of course important that you know when your ovulation, or ovulation, takes place. Knowing more? Read here how you can test whether you are fertile.

What is the chance that you cannot get pregnant?

These were five common reasons why you cannot get pregnant. But now you also want to know what the chance is that you will get pregnant. Even though you know that a pregnancy can take a while, the stress always strikes a bit. And every time you throw a negative pregnancy test in the trash, your heart sinks a little further. But know that this can all be part of it. Ultimately, only five percent of all couples remain unintentionally childless.

Why does it take so long to get pregnant?

So the chance that you will eventually walk through the front door with a baby in your arms is quite high. But how long can it take before you can start handing out rusks with mice? After six months, an average of seven out of ten women are pregnant. After one year you are already eight out of ten and after two years nine out of ten women are already pregnant. So give your body time and let nature do its job.

Are any of the above reasons why you cannot get pregnant? Then know that there are quite often still some options. For more information about this, you can always contact your doctor.

Bron: NHG guideline subfertility

#Discover #main #reasons #pregnant

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