The best day to observe Mercury and Venus – Science or Fiction

by time news

2023-05-26 10:21:40


Good morning, Friday May 26 and today I want to do a Feméry de

Astronomical, I’ve been thinking about doing it for a long time and I didn’t know, well I’m thinking

still, I hope you tell me what you think so as not to be too heavy, because with

very often once a week. I have thought if Monday and Friday or even the same every two weeks.

The idea is then if in that period of time between the day we are going to call you from Monday to

within Mondays something interesting will happen in the sky that can be seen and it is not necessary to have

Hubble Space Telescope at home or rather have the remote control because it may

what you can enjoy and today I want to start with mercury mercury is one of the eight planets

of the solar system and it is the closest to the sun and that means that we normally have problems to

see it problems because because it will never be seen at midnight if we are close to the sun well when

We are looking at the other side of the sun at midnight because mercury can never appear there

It is the planet that is the most difficult to observe with the naked eye and precisely this Monday this

Monday the 29th will be at the most propitious point to see it. How much is this? well these are

25 degrees of elongation, the elongation is the, when we call maximum elongation, it is the maximum

visual separation from the sun. This happens from time to time, it is not that it happens very little,

but hey, the fact is that the more it separates, even so to see it, it’s not that it separates

much of the ground, because as if they are close to the sun at the moment the sun rises, well, you are going to leave

to see it, it is not especially bright either, so all the elements come together to

not being able to see it. For example, to see a little how this would be. Monday the 29th before it comes out

the sun, at about… well, when you’re going to be able to see it best is around a quarter to 7 o’clock

in the morning, what you can do is look to the east, the east is where the sun rises and Mercury

It’s going to be separate, a fist, if you move your hand away, stretch your arm out and make a fist, a fist of

distance between the ground and the sky. Mercury will be there, at that height from the ground.

I want that I am not explaining myself very well, but you are very clever, very clever, surely you are finding out.

A fist away from the ground, about 10 degrees, that’s more or less, if you have a fist

bigger you probably also have the longest arm, so it is usually compensated and it is quite

good. What’s happening? Which is not much, a fist high, if you do it to the same where you are

doing it, imagine how many mountains or buildings, however far away they may be, may be covering

that horizon and this is what makes Berkúrio one of the least observed planets. Venus looks

much better, it is also closer to the sun than Earth, but of course the orbit is much larger

and this elongation is much greater and Venus is very bright. So there you have the star

of the morning, the morning star if you have ever heard it is nothing but Venus and Venus can be seen

when it is already night not closed closed but but almost above all its maximum elongation

mercury could also be seen a little before a little after the night to do but

well this elongation is for the other side so it can be seen before the sun rises and shines

not a lot, but we can look for it with this trick that it does not blink that it will be seen that morning

the one on Monday, well, before the sun rises, you will see Jupiter and Jupiter, yes, yes, it is a

sir a planet sir and it shines quite a bit although he is obviously not in his prime

shine but it is shining much brighter than mercury so if it made me the east right in

the east of that hour above the east is going to know Jupiter that has no loss well a little

Mercury is going to be seen in the bottom left I’m going to leave a screenshot so you can so you can

see it in the thumbnail of the podcast, you can see it in real time now if you look at the cover

of the podcast and you will get an idea of ​​more or less where it will be.

You will also see the photo that is Uranus, but Uranus does need a very sky,

very, very good, and not before the sun rises. It’s at the limit of what it can get

to see the eye in a sky, well, almost from a book or movie, in the best conditions

that they can I have seen it very few times, but it can be seen. It has a magnitude of

almost six, which comes to say that, to summarize, which is the limit to which the eye can reach,

but of course, the sky has to be totally black. These phenomena that I will tell here,

I will try to make them as universal as possible. There are many of you and you who listen to me

from America and these things can be seen all over the world. It’s not such a local thing. And then,

look at the coincidence, on June 4, that I think I will not make another anniversary and

until then, on June 4th it will be possible to see Venus at its maximum elongation,

but this time on the other side. So when the sun goes down, the 4th will be

Venus at the greatest visual distance from the sun, just what will happen to Mercury on Monday the 29th.

This one is going to shine much brighter and on top of that you will not see that you get up early, be sure that you can do it

see very easily. What’s more, it’s something that can be seen even during the day, what happens is that

when the sun begins to set is when it stands out the most in the sky so I think that as

first edition of this one that is yet to be seen in heaven I think it is fine and look at the coincidence

that there are two elongations of Mercury from Venus, one to get up early complicated, not because of the hour that

Also, but because of the distance and Venus, well, it’s a delight to see it and it’s very, very easy to see and

And nothing else for today, have a great weekend, we’ll hear each other on Monday and see you later.


#day #observe #Mercury #Venus #Science #Fiction

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