Max Gazze? The anti-Berlusconi singer gets into trouble for his swimming pool – Libero Quotidiano

by time news

2023-05-29 08:58:00

Claudia Osmetti

The usual Building abuse). In the sense that it is not the first, nor will it be the last: only that, in this case, it concerns a well-known face, i.e. a successful singer, i.e. Max Gazzè. Grizzled goatee and tousled hair, Gazze he is someone who has always declared himself to be on the left even if “I don’t sing about politics because I don’t care” (and that’s okay: because he often takes care of politics alone). An illegal swimming pool and a maxi mezzanine, in his farmhouse in Campagnano, in the metropolitan area of ​​Rome, where he lives between one tour and another, which has almost doubled the volume of the house. Not one, but more building violations. This is why the Municipality has opened a dispute, and it’s been almost twenty years between lawyers and appraisals and stamped papers to obtain an amnesty; for this reason, on February 17th, he was sentenced by the Tar, the regional administrative court, to compensate the town hall and end the strumming. Indeed no, “the show must go on” because now there is still the Council of State and he, Gazzè, seems willing to go ahead.

A matter of deeds, bureaucracy and infinite times: the first request for regularization came from the previous owner, a few months before July 2004, when in fact the singer-songwriter bought that estate on Lake Bracciano (the place is enchanting, in the midst of hills) and troubles begin with the town planning office. The swimming pool, the closure of the portico, the understage which even modifies the shape of the building, the warehouse which needs to be changed from agricultural to residential use: a whirlwind of works, small jobs, renovations which, according to the Municipality of Campagnano do not comply with the rules and regulations and according to the request for amnesty they are included in extraordinary maintenance. With that aspect, which is a bit like the law of retaliation, that in all this cancan of documents and surveyors and architects, the amnesty on the table, for the house of one of the guitars lined up on the left, is even that of Berlusconi (issued in 2003), not that of the Lazio Region, which has tighter meshes, stiffer stakes. And to think that he, Gazzè, in an interview with the Huffington Post in 2020 vented: “If I have to say I fear something, I fear Berlusconi more than Grillo”.

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Epperò part the band, all. A crash. The request dates back to 2004, the first rejection dates back to 2010 (six years later), the tar is expressed only now (which is 2023 and therefore, from the beginning, nineteen years have already passed). A life. The administrative judges say that Gazzè will have to compensate the Municipality of Campagnano for 5 thousand euros: nineteen years and 5 thousand euros, it seems like a joke. Not even destined to end here because (as mentioned) there is the Council of State, there is the appeal, there is a tug of war that is holding out. Possible amnesties, discrepancies in qualifications, abuses that cannot even be calculated because “the volume of the mezzanine floor alone” (according to the Tar) “would have resulted in an increase in volume equal to 256.56 cubic metres, for a total of the space occupied by the ‘expansion made illegally equal to 431.56 cubic meters’, which translated means that the violations could be double those actually reported. Gentlemen, let’s talk clearly: the rules are useful because otherwise there is anarchy and, in anarchy, chaos reigns. But neither must they remain hostage to a bureaucracy that takes two decades to figure out what happened or that complicates what isn’t. How to redo a porch. Go and explain it to him, not to Gazzè who (we imagine) will have understood it very well: but go and explain it to him to the many piddini, honesty-honesty grillini, more or less convinced victims of accidents for whom a word, forgiveness, is enough to have an attack of hives and start ranting that it was Berlusconi’s fault (before) and Salvini’s fault (now). Go and explain to him that it’s not a dirty word, that building regulations must be respected (otherwise disasters will happen), but that a minimum of flexibility and elasticity is also needed. And that, in any case, twenty years to deal with a single case is not an acceptable time.

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