A monstrous centipede, living 300 million years ago

by time news

Flash of good news

(Photo: Noil Harris)

We will open the flash of good news with sensational scientific knowledge. Researchers in the UK have recently found the outer skeleton of a multi-legged fossil the size of a car.

This is an animal called Arthroplaura, a type of multi-legged animal that is considered to be the largest arthropod that has ever lived on Earth. It walked the earth about 300 million years ago and reached a length of about 2.5 meters, and is considered by scholars to be the most monstrous and monstrous ancestor of the Carboniferous, a turn in the Paleozoic era.

The discovery of this fossil confirms that such ancient invertebrates can grow far beyond what was thought. Only two fossils of this centipede have been found in the past, but the fossil to which the study refers – is the oldest and largest discovered so far.

And what’s all the beauty? The fossil that was uncovered was found by a former doctoral student who happened to pass by. By the way, he only had dozens of feet and no more than 1,000 as he was exposed just a week ago to a tiny production that lives at a depth of 60 meters underground in Australia.

And from the carbon era to the present day. Turtles, birds, snakes and a variety of other animals exploited by the Colombian authorities, return to the place to which they belong, the Colombian jungle.

This week’s exciting release was recorded on camera as part of a major national wildlife conservation project. Over the past year, more than 5,000 animals have been relocated to their natural habitats in Colombia, the country battling illegal animal theft phenomena.

And now, notice the following story: In 1999 Stephen Caulfield, then a 22-year-old young man from Northern Ireland, wrote a note, put it in a bottle and threw it into the sea, hoping to find his beloved, before the age of dating apps.

and what happened? This bottle was found, almost 23 years later about 30 km from where it was thrown. There is no doubt that Stephen was no small romantic: “I am 22 years old, please, write me if you are a girl, thank you,” he wrote in a note.

Provide a nonsense spirit, provide a very original way to find love, but Stephen could not wait so many years, and is now married with three children. He even forgot about the bottle, until pictures of the letter started circulating on social media. “I’m glad I’ll give you something else to talk about, besides Corona,” he responded to the publications.


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