“We are going to reach out to build the alternative”

by time news

2023-05-29 18:22:41

Vox has valued the good results obtained in the municipal and regional elections that has allowed them to consolidate themselves as a third political force and expand into territories where they had not yet entered. “Defeating the left is always a success”pointed out the general secretary of the party, Ignacio Garriga at a press conference.

“We are lucky that Vox has been the group that has grown the most at a national level” y they are crucial to form governments breaking into places where “nobody expected it”.

The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal assured that “The only positive news that Sánchez has given in recent years” was that electoral advance that he had announced at 11:00 a.m. and for him they had been pressing since the game until the last motion of censure in which they presented the economist Ramón Tamame as a candidates. He expressed satisfaction with the results that have brought about the electoral advance, “excellent news” because “citizens are given their voice back after having been subjected to the big lie” of the President of the Government. “The sooner we can make parliament look like Spanish society, the better.”

Vox is not going to unpack its bags and activates its electoral machinery from “already” overwhelmed by having to manage regional pacts and general elections at the same time.

Abascal He is sure that one of the “darkest” stages of Spanish society is closer to closing that put in check “the prosperity of the citizens taking us to an abyss very close to that of ruin” and where, he stressed that “hate” was encouraged. “We have to show a government that instead of benefiting society, what it has done is benefit corrupt, coup plotters, terrorists, rapists, and pedophiles.” “Sánchez has managed to do the most damage to the Spanish in these four years” and for this reason at Vox we celebrate the call for the electoral advance”.

The party leader assumes the task of “building an alternative” to the alliance of terrorism, of communism, and “to that we are going to give ourselves body and soul” because, he pointed out, we are not only seeking to defeat the Government but also “repeal the harmful policies of the Spanish”.

In July, Abascal assured that “he goes out to win, without arrogance” and it is he who hopes that “someone else will ask him for the vice presidency”. “We are going to reach out to build the alternative. It’s not that I sit in an armchair.” And, he pointed out that if in those general elections he does not obtain an absolute majority, but is the force with the most votes, he will give Feijóo the vice presidency.

confirm alternative

Those of Abascal advance, and they have passed to have more than 1,000 councilors and be decisive in Valencia, Palma, Seville, Albacete, Valladolid, Cáceres, Badajoz, Huesca, Huelva, Burgos, Guadalajara, Castellón, Ciudad Real In addition to the formation of governments of six autonomous communities. For this reason, Abascal stressed that “It is Vox who confirms the possibility of an alternative” and they guarantee that there will be one.

And in the policy of regional and municipal pacts he highlighted that “Today is not the day of demands but of the outstretched hand” and recalled that “it is the PP who has to decide if they want an alternative with us and it is to know if we are going to have respect, high-mindedness as the Spaniards want” . Of course, he again advanced that the votes and illusions of those who have trusted them are not “free” and that they will enforce the mandate that the ballot boxes have given them.

The president of Vox announced that he had already produced the first contact “between our teams” with the PP and that he also there will be contacts with Alberto Núñez feijóo “In the next few days, then, “we are obliged to them.”

The party will give a slogan at the national level to all its candidates so that they sit down to listen to the regional leaders of the popular where there is a possibility of preventing the left from being in power.

#reach #build #alternative

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