Jesus is by our side

by time news

2023-05-29 18:24:00

May 29, 2023 / 11:24 a.m.

Pope Francis today comforted a group of children suffering from cancer, reminding them that Jesus gives them hope in the most difficult moments, and urged them to be “apostles of God’s love.”

This Monday, May 29, the Holy Father received in audience a group of children from the Wroclaw Cancer Clinic (Poland) in the room adjacent to the Paul VI Hall in the Vatican.

“Jesus is always by our side to give us hope. Always, even in moments of illness, even in the most painful moments, even in the most difficult moments: the Lord is there!” Pope Francis assured.

Likewise, the Pontiff encouraged the children: “How many times in life do we find ourselves in the situation of not having the strength to go on? But they are never alone! Jesus is always near, and he tells them: ‘Go, go, keep going! I’m with you’. ‘I’ll take you by the hand,’ says Jesus, like when you were little and learning to take your first steps”.

“God loves you, dear children. They are loved by Him: do they want to be apostles of God’s love in the Church and in the world? Jesus also needs you for this testimony. He entrusts his plans to them and asks them: do you want to be my apostles of God’s love? Answer him ‘yes’ with enthusiasm and bring to others the joy of God’s love”.

The Holy Father reminded them that the Virgin Mary is also close to them and accompanies them with her maternal tenderness.

“If someone is alone and feels abandoned, let us not forget that Our Lady is always close to us, especially when the weight of the disease is felt with all its problems,” he said.

“She is there close, as she was close to her Son Jesus when everyone had abandoned him. Maria is always there, by our side, with her maternal tenderness, ”she highlighted.

#Jesus #side

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