Ten tips to prevent and treat hemorrhoids

by time news

2023-05-30 09:16:48

In summer, changes in diets and the dilating effect of heat on the veins increase the probability of suffering hemorrhoids. We offer you ten tips to prevent and avoid this ailment

Diez consejos para prevenir y tratar las hemorroidesSitz baths can provide some relief for hemorrhoids. EFE/ALFREDO ALDAI

According to data from the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (SEMERGEN), approximately 50% of the Western population suffers from hemorrhoids at some time in their lives.

With the aim of preventing them, Cinfa experts clarify some doubts and offer us ten tips from professionals.

According to Dr. Julio Maset, a Cinfa doctor, many patients with mild discomfort tend to hide the disease instead of going to the doctor. Most of them do it because of the modesty that causes them to talk about it.

What are hemorrhoids really?

Hemorrhoids, also popularly known as hemorrhoids, They are venous structures located in the anal canal that, for different reasons, such as heat, dilate and inflame.

They may be internal or external and of variable size. The most common age to suffer them is between 25 and 60 years old, being men more prone than women.

What are the most frequent symptoms of hemorrhoids?

Los symptoms may vary depending on the level of severity of the disease or its location.

Internal hemorrhoids usually cause itching and small bleeding during defecation.

In the case of external ones, the discomfort is usually mild such as itching, inflammation of the skin or burning. However, according to experts, the latter are more likely to thrombonate, generating a lot of pain.

both types they can trombonethat is, they can form clots in the vessels where the hemorrhage is constituted, which It is usually annoying and painful.

Doctor Maset, doctor of Cinfaremember that the summer weather conditions and changes in routines and eating habits can aggravate symptoms.

tips hemorrhoids

What causes us hemorrhoids?

The most common cause of the appearance of hemorrhoids is the constipation due to the effort made during defecation. Other frequent reasons are usually the abdominal effort produced by embarrassment or overweight problems.

Prevention plays a fundamental role to alleviate discomfort and prevent the progress of symptoms.

How can we avoid constipation?

Practicing regular physical exercise and taking care of our eating habits by providing the body with the correct amount of fiber can help prevent the disease. Likewise, ingesting the recommended amount of liquids favors the evolution of the pathology.

In addition, experts point out that the use of venotonic compounds that improve venous tone and increase capillary resistance may be useful.

Only by adopting adequate dietary and hygienic habits, people who suffer from this disease will be able to improve their quality of life, says the doctor.

Ten tips against hemorrhoids

  1. Lose your shame. People who suffer from symptoms should see a professional for an exact diagnosis of their ailment. Afterwards, an expert will determine the appropriate treatment.
  2. Slowly but surely. Adopt healthy habits in the bathroom such as suppressing the constant urge to have a bowel movement or staying too long on the toilet.
  3. Fiber, a great ally. Experts recommend that people prone to hemorrhoids increase their daily fiber intake. Whole grain products, fresh fruits and vegetables are some of the most recommended foods.
  4. Remember the list of ‘forbidden’ products. Try to avoid spicy foods, fats and spices, as well as all those foods that can cause gas.
  5. Drink plenty of fluids. Proper hydration favors digestion and evacuation.
  6. Fight sedentary lifestyle. Practicing sports is often very effective in speeding up intestinal transit. Find the physical activity that best suits your tastes and needs.
  7. At work, he cushions the seat and walks during breaks. If in your daily routine you have to remain seated for a long time, it is advisable to accommodate the seat. Covering the chair with a pillow or cushion is a simple option that your body will thank you for.
  8. Take care of your anal hygiene. If you have hemorrhoids, you should try not to scratch them and properly clean the area after going to the bathroom. Be careful, as excessive washing can make the fatty layer of the skin in this area disappear.
  9. Evaluate the use of specific treatments. Lhemorrhoidal ointments and anti-inflammatory suppositories can provide relief, but experts recommend using them under a doctor’s diagnosis. It is not recommended to use them for more than a week since they often contain corticosteroids.
  10. Use natural anesthetics. To relieve pain, it is very effective to apply heat and cold in equal parts. For example, apply ice or cold compresses, alternated with hot water. Compresses with chamomile can also help alleviate the symptoms.

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